出願事前登録期間 | 出願書類提出期間 | 試験日 | 合格発表 | 入学手続 |
令和6年10月24日(木) ~11月8日(金)午前9時 |
令和6年11月1日(金) ~11月8日(金)必着 |
令和6年 11月28日(木) |
令和6年 12月11日(水) |
令和6年12月12日(木) ~12月19日(木) |
- 調査書の学習成績概評A段階に属する者、又は筑波大学の個別学力検査等に合格できる程度以上の学力を有する者
- 希望する主専攻分野(哲学、史学、考古学・民俗学、言語学)の内容に深い関心を有し、当該分野に関連する教科・科目において優れた能力を持つ者(それらを証明する資料があれば適宜添付すること。)
- 高等学校等において、国際的な課題をテーマとする探究的な学習や、国際交流に関する活動に取り組み、コミュニケーション能力、問題解決力等の国際的な素養を身に付けた者(その根拠として、本人の作成する「活動報告書」を添付のこと。)で、筑波大学の個別学力検査等に合格できる程度以上の学力を有する者
※ 1校あたり推薦しうる人数は推薦要件(1)又は(2)について2名、推薦要件(3)について1名です。
※ 推薦要件(1)の「個別学力検査等に合格できる程度以上の学力を有する者」とは、推薦校において、以前同校から筑波大学に同検査等により入学した者以上の学力(高校の学習成績)があると認められる者とします。
小論文 | 哲学、史学、考古学・民俗学、言語学などの人文系諸分野の学習に必要な基礎的能力を評価します。特に文章の読解力と自分の考えを的確にまとめる表現力などを評価します。 |
面接 | 個別面接:志望専攻分野に対する適応性と理解力を評価します。推薦要件(2)の志願者については、志望専攻分野に関する能力について、その知識と理解力を評価します。 |
Candidates are exempted from National Center for University Entrance Examinations and individual academic ability tests at the university based on a recommendation by their school principal, and are selected based on document screening, a short essay, and interview. It is different from public recommendations or recommendations by a designated school.
Be sure to check the latest information.
15 people
Pre-registration Period | Application Period | Test Date | Pass/Fail Announcement | Admission Procedures |
October 24 (Thu) to November 8 (Fri), 2024 | November 1 (Fri) to November 8 (Fri), 2024 | November 28 (Thu), 2024 | December 11 (Wed), 2024 | December 12 (Thu) to 19 (Thu), 2024 |
Recommendation Requirements
Students who have met the recommendation requirements of (1), (2), or (3) listed below who are responsibly recommended by a school principle are guaranteed admission if they pass.
- Those who have a learning achievement score of A on their school records or who have sufficient academic ability to pass the individual academic ability test of the University of Tsukuba
- Those with strong interest in the major of their choice (philosophy, history, archaeology and folklore, linguistics) and who have outstanding ability in the subjects/courses related to this field of study (attach documents as needed to prove this)
- Those who have engaged in inquiry-based learning on international issues or in international exchange and have acquired communication skills, problem-solving skills, and other forms of international cultivation during high school (attach an “Activity Report” created by the candidate to prove this), and who have sufficient academic ability to pass the individual academic ability test of the University of Tsukuba
* The number of candidates that can be recommended per school is: two students for (1) or (2) and one students for (3).
* “Those who have sufficient academic ability to pass the individual academic ability test of the University of Tsukuba” in recommendation requirement (1) means applicants must have academic ability (high school grades) of the same level or higher as students from the same school previously admitted to the University of Tsukuba.
Evaluation and Scoring Criteria
Essays and interviews are evaluated and scored based on the following criteria.
Essay | Basic skills needed for studying academic fields in the humanities, such as philosophy, history, archaeology and folklore, and linguistics, are assessed. Evaluations will focus on candidates' reading comprehension and their ability to express their thoughts accurately. |
Interview | Individual interview (to evaluate the candidate’s suitability and understanding toward the field they wish to study. Candidates who meet recommendation requirements (2) will be evaluated for their knowledge and understanding of the field they wish to study.) |
Admission Policy
We choose students who demonstrate unique awareness of issues, high motivation, and suitability to the humanities from among applicants who have acquired a solid foundation in high school.