Religious 宗教学コース




  • 宗教学
  • 宗教哲学
  • 比較思想論
  • 西洋宗教思想史
  • 東洋宗教思想史
  • 宗教学演習
  • インドの女神ドゥルガーとカーリーに見られるヌミノーゼ
  • オーバーアマガウ受難劇の宗教性
  • 現代仏教寺院の役割
  • バルトリハリにおけるbuddhiについて
  • 仏教は女性蔑視の宗教なのか
  • 神話における男性性と女性性 -「ヒーローの旅」と「ヒロインの旅」の非対称性について-
  • 人生を語る相手としての哲学的対話ロボットの可能性とシステム構築
  • ムスリムの宗教実践と日本における生活上の困難


教員名 職階 メッセージ
小野 基 小野 基Motoi Ono 教授 サンスクリット語を学んで、人間の叡智が詰まったインドの古代中世の哲学宗教文献の解読に挑戦してみませんか。
保呂 篤彦 保呂 篤彦ATSUHIKO HORO 教授 西谷啓治曰く。宗教はそれを必要としていない人にこそ必要である。宗教を必要としている人も、必要としていない人も大歓迎です。
志田 泰盛 志田 泰盛Taisei Shida 准教授 サンスクリット語を通じて古典インドの思想世界を覗いてみると、世界の見え方が変わってくるかもしれません。
土井 裕人 土井 裕人Hiroto Doi 助教 思想を挙げるまでもなく、人間の関わる様々な領域を宗教抜きに理解しようとすることはできません。そこに宗教や宗教学を学ぶ面白さがあります。

卒業生石戸 美緒



About the Religious Studies Course

Religious Studies As Expected From Modern Society

While there once was a time when it was predicted that religion would disappear in the near future with the development of science and technology, but this has not come to pass. The Islamic revival in the Middle East, the rise of Christian Fundamentalism in the US, and the rebirth of Christianity after the collapse of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe show that religion still survives in the hearts of people around the world today. Meanwhile, religion is also deeply tied to international conflict and other serious issues around the world that require resolution, as well as to destructive cults and other familiar issues that we often find baffling. How are the religions that support peace in our daily lives connected to the religions that cause a variety of problems? In this way, modern society is often at the mercy of a variety of religious phenomenon, requiring a proper understanding of religion. Most expected to meet this demand is none other than Religious Studies. The approaches toward religious studies are diverse, depending on the diverse and multifaceted nature of religious phenomenon. In this course, three faculty members with different methodologies and different research subjects provide multifaceted support to students attempting to face the problems posed by religion in the modern world.

Course Introduction
What Kind of Classes are in Religious Studies
While the word "Religion" seems to go without saying when studying religion, this is not necessarily self-evident. In Spring semester of this class, we will consider the formation of the word 宗教 (shūkyō) as a translation of the word “religion”. In Fall semester, we will explore the major theories of religious studies.
Example of Subjects
  • Religious Studies
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Comparative Thoughts
  • History of Western Religious Thought
  • History of Eastern Religious Thought
  • Seminar on Religious Studies

Senior Graduation Thesis

  • Comparative Study of Greek and Japanese Mythology
  • A Study of Wittgenstein's Later Views on Religion
  • The "Genso(Returning)" in Kitaro Nishida - "The Eternal Now"
  • Shinran's Views on Other Religions and Sects
  • Rethinking Relativism—Comparing Protagoras, Herder, and Jainism
  • Construction of Religious Narratives in Modern Japan
  • Philosophical and Religious Foundations to the Concept of Minority

Message From Course Faculty

教員名 職階 メッセージ
小野 基 小野 基Motoi Ono 教授 サンスクリット語を学んで、人間の叡智が詰まったインドの古代中世の哲学宗教文献の解読に挑戦してみませんか。
保呂 篤彦 保呂 篤彦ATSUHIKO HORO 教授 西谷啓治曰く。宗教はそれを必要としていない人にこそ必要である。宗教を必要としている人も、必要としていない人も大歓迎です。
志田 泰盛 志田 泰盛Taisei Shida 准教授 サンスクリット語を通じて古典インドの思想世界を覗いてみると、世界の見え方が変わってくるかもしれません。
土井 裕人 土井 裕人Hiroto Doi 助教 思想を挙げるまでもなく、人間の関わる様々な領域を宗教抜きに理解しようとすることはできません。そこに宗教や宗教学を学ぶ面白さがあります。
Student Voices

GraduateHazuki Kishi

What do you imagine when you think of religion? I know there are many people who aren't interested in the topic.
When I first entered university, I too was uninterested in religious studies and was considering entering a Russian language course. However, as I came into contact with other cultures through my language studies, I came to think that religion was at the root of those cultures. That is why I chose to use Russian as a tool to research religion.
In not just religious studies but in any course that requires research subjects outside of your home country, you will need the language skills to read foreign texts. Since the College of Humanities has many sister schools overseas, I took advantage of this system to study abroad in Russia and Ukraine. When I started studying abroad, I struggled to adapt to the unique local customs and the speed at which native speakers spoke, but “when in Rome, do as the Romans”. Fumbling though I was as I tried to integrate myself with the locals, I was able to naturally improve my language and communication skills. I also used the experience in my job search and received a job offer from my first choice, an energy company. The experience of seeing local religion with my own eyes and truly realizing that religion is the basis of Russian culture lent originality to my research.
Those who are interested in language and foreign culture, why not attempt to do your research from the angle of religion? I believe that in doing so, you are bound to encounter new world views.

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