About the Philosophy Major 哲学主専攻





教授[宗教哲学、カント研究] 保呂 篤彦

About the Philosophy Major

The Philosophy Major in the College of Humanities has two courses: “Philosophy and Ethics” and “Religious Studies”. Each has 3-4 full-time faculty members (and several part-time lecturers) and offers one of the most comprehensive learning environments in the country, covering not only Western thought but Eastern and Japanese thought as well, with thorough coverage of ancient, medieval, and modern philosophy.

Introductory Message

That “Philosophy” is a special field distinct from other academic disciplines (sciences) can be seen from its name. Humanities such as history, anthropology, and linguistics are, as their names suggest, limited to having research subjects and have certain restrictions on their methodologies, not to mention physics (natural science) and law (social science); however, philosophy alone is not limited to a research subject and involves all kinds of research methods.
What, then, does "philosophy" research? While this in and of itself is a philosophical question with no one right answer,One possible answer is this: Philosophy asks the questions that other academic disciplines (sciences) cannot, in principle, address. For example, physics studies physical objects and finds answers that are universally valid; yet physics itself cannot even ask why this knowledge can be universally valid. Folklore and anthropology, meanwhile, can study what notions of good and evil prevail in a particular people or culture, but cannot ask what is inherently and universally good and evil. Furthermore, there is no science that can ask “Who am I?” and “What is the purpose of my existence?” These are the very questions of philosophy, ethics, and religion.
In an era where, despite remarkable scientific development, humanity faces a variety of problems that science alone cannot solve, there is strong demand for the sincere pursuit of philosophy, ethics, and religion.

Professor (Philosophy of Religion and Kant Studies) Atsuhiko Horo


  • 哲学・倫理学コース 哲学・倫理学コース 古代から現代にいたるまで、人間や社会が抱える問題について、さまざまな哲学者や思想家の考えと向き合いながら探究していきます。西洋思想を中心に、さまざまな考え方やものの見方に触れることができます。 詳しく見る
  • 宗教学コース 宗教学コース 宗教学コースでは、宗教経験・儀礼・神話・教義・信仰共同体などを含む多様な宗教現象を歴史的かつ体系的に研究し教育することを目指します。 詳しく見る


教員名 職階 担当コース 研究テーマ
檜垣 良成 檜垣 良成Yoshishige Higaki 教授 哲学・倫理学コース 西洋近世哲学と対話論
保呂 篤彦 保呂 篤彦ATSUHIKO HORO 教授 宗教学コース 宗教哲学、カント研究
津崎 良典 津崎 良典Yoshinori Tsuzaki 教授 哲学・倫理学コース 西洋近世哲学
志田 泰盛 志田 泰盛Taisei Shida 准教授 宗教学コース インド古典学
千葉 建 千葉 建Ken Chiba 講師 哲学・倫理学コース 西洋近現代倫理学
土井 裕人 土井 裕人Hiroto Doi 助教 宗教学コース 西洋古代の宗教思想
西村 雄太 西村 雄太Yuta Nishimura 助教 哲学・倫理学コース 西洋中世哲学
常 瀟琳 常 瀟琳Xiaolin Chang 助教 哲学・倫理学コース 日本思想