Archaeology and Folklore 考古学・民俗学主専攻





准教授[民俗学] 武井 基晃

About the Archaeology and Folklore Major

The Archaeology and Folklore Major allows us to approach evolution, diversity, and uniformity of humanity from the prehistory, archaeology, folklore, and cultural anthropology. One of the methodology in common across all four research fields is that fieldwork that takes place to go off to ancient sites or modern communities with different cultures. Furthermore, we could enhance holistic understanding of lifestyle and culture of these societies based on fieldwork. Though close observation of artifacts excavated from ancient sites or lives of modern peoples and conversation with them, we explore the activities and diversity of human society both past and present.

Introductory Message: Consideration From the Field

The Archaeology and Folklore Major consists of the Prehistory and Archaeology Course and Folklore and Cultural Anthropology Course. Most probably think of prehistory or archaeology as a research field in the humanities that uses excavation of ancient sites and observation of artifacts to understanding the human history. In the same manner, folklore and cultural anthropology would be thought as a field in the social science that reveals reality of the familiar or different cultures using interview and observation. In a sence, although these are true, these fields can actually be integrated under the umbrella of Anthropology.
Anthropology attempts to understand various aspects of humanity across the globe and across time using not only humanities and social science but natural science as well. Research is underway for the cultural aspect of humanity in particular, aiming to understand diversity, behavioral patterns, and social structures. In other words, prehistory and archaeology attempt to achieve this goal through artifacts accumulated over times, while folklore and cultural anthropology do so with people from the present or near past with whom direct dialogue is possible.
An important research method shared among our fields is fieldwork. In prehistory and archaeology, information is collected by excavation sites, while in folklore and cultural anthropology, it is collected by participating in actual daily life and rituals. The shared belief in our fields is that research should be conducted using primary sources on site. While handling with primary sources has its difficulties, the results obtained are irreplaceable, making research fun and creative.
The Archaeology and Folklore Major is a distinctive organization established with this stance toward anthropology, one of only a handful in Japan. We hope you’ll study in our Major and create a future with an open-minded perspective on humankind.

Associate Professor of Archaeology Makoto Takizawa


  • 先史学・考古学コース 先史学・考古学コース 考古学(Archaeology)と先史学(Prehistory)は、ともに物質的遺産(遺跡・遺物)を素材として、これらに関わった人々の歴史の復元と解釈を行う学問分野です。 詳しく見る
  • 民俗学・文化人類学コース 民俗学・文化人類学コース 民俗学は伝承資料(儀礼・信仰・社会・経済など)を研究し、文化人類学は我々自身と異なる文化的営みを研究します。いずれもフィールドワークにもとづき、人々の行動様式を生活文化の中で理解することを目指します。 詳しく見る


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谷口 陽子 谷口 陽子Yoko Taniguchi 教授 先史学・考古学コース 考古科学・保存科学
武井 基晃 武井 基晃Motoaki Takei 准教授 民俗学・文化人類学コース 民俗学「歴史を伝え、神々と交渉する人々」
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