哲学 主専攻
The College of Humanities has two Philosophy Majors: “Philosophy and Ethics” and “Religious Studies”. Each has 3-4 full-time faculty members (and several part-time lecturers) and offers one of the most comprehensive learning environments in the country, covering not only Western thought but Eastern and Japanese thought as well, with thorough coverage of ancient, medieval, and modern philosophy. There are a variety of learning styles, from intensive reading of texts to those that focus on fieldwork, but regardless of course, students can easily take classes in other courses, allowing for a learning experience that leaves nothing to be desired in terms of quality and quantity.
史学 主専攻
考古学・民俗学 主専攻
The Archaeology and Folklore Major allows us to approach human evolution, diversity, and uniformity of humanity from the fields of prehistory, archaeology, folklore, and cultural anthropology. One of the methodology in common across all four research fields is that fieldwork that takes place to go off to ancient sites or modern communities with different cultures. Furthermore, we could enhance holistic understanding of lifestyle and culture of these societies based on fieldwork. Though close observation of artifacts excavated from ancient sites or lives of modern peoples and conversation with them, we explore the activities and diversity of human society both past and present.
言語学 主専攻
In the Linguistics Major, students learn about various aspects of human language. This major consits of courses in General Linguistics, which includes studies of the Chinese, French, German, and Russian languages, Applied Linguistics, Japanese Language Studies, and English Linguistics. 。
- 一般言語学コース 様々な言語を通して、言語の多様性と普遍性を探求します。 詳しく見る
- 応用言語学コース 個人と社会のレベルで、言語にかかわる諸問題を多角的・実際的に解決することを目的とする学問です。文章論、社会言語学、教育言語学など、他の研究領域と連結しながら研究することを志向しているほか、英語教育学を専門とすることもできます。 詳しく見る
- 日本語学コース 日本語の特徴について、音韻・表記・文法・意味・語彙・歴史など多方面から学び、日本語を分析する力を養います。 詳しく見る
- 英語学コース 英語学コースでは、言語を通して人間精神に迫る言語学の観点から、英語という言葉の背後にある様々な仕組みを学び、考察します。 詳しく見る