- ジャック・デリダ『アデュー』における形式と沈黙
- 独我・他我・自我 ―フッサールの独我論問題―
- ケネス・クラークにおける裸体論
- ラカン的主体の疎外(aliénation)構造
- 青年期ロールズの神学的倫理思想と『正義論』
- 全受容の精神 ―一遍『播州法語集』を中心に
- 浄土真宗における煩悩について
- 今日におけるイエズス会教育の倫理的意義 ―『イエズス会教育の特徴』を中心に―
- オリゲネス『祈りについて』における自由論の射程
- マッキンタイアにおける人生の統一性について
- ヒュームの道徳論 ―道徳的行為の動機づけ―
- サルトルの芸術論と虚構への傾向性
- 他者の特殊性はいかにして承認可能か
- 「鬼」の倫理学
- カント『判断力批判』における崇高
- 相対主義再考 ―プロタゴラス、ヘルダー、ジャイナ教の比較を通して―
- 現代日本における宗教的物語の構築
- 仏教への現代技術の導入とそれによる影響
- サーンキヤ哲学における実践
- マイノリティ概念に関する哲学的・宗教学的基礎付け
- メルロ=ポンティにおける「表現」と可能性
- 戦後茨城県における町村合併 ―御前山村を事例として―
- 古代東北支配と東国
- 律令国家における官僧の位置
- 九世紀における交易管理と唐物
- 大正期における余暇と労働 ―権田保之助の娯楽論を中心に―
- 日本陸軍の意思決定過程 ―二個師団増設問題を中心に―
- 大正・昭和初期における地域の政治構造―名古屋市を中心に
- 奈良時代における皇統観
- 継体天皇とヤマト王権の転換
- 戦間期における少年団運動の展開
- 黒岩涙香と翻訳 ―『西洋女大学』を題材に―
- 三島通庸と『国のすがた』編纂
- 三関停廃の原因と意義
- 日露戦後・大正期の日本外交と石井菊次郎 ―対中政策を中心として―
- 姜維台頭に見る蜀漠政権の性格と政権構造の変遷 ―姜維の政権掌握の前史を中心に―
- 16世紀の明朝の軍事行動から見た新式火器普及の停滞 ―倭寇討伐の事例から―
- 戦後内戦期、東北の土地改革における中共地方指導層の役割
- 雍正年間の山東省における穀物備蓄と流通
- 後漢末から西晋における軍事制度―都督の成立過程と発展、将軍号との関係―
- 清朝支配初期の新疆南路における回兵の動員 ―乾隆30年のウシュ反乱を対象として―
- 国民政府期の歴史教科書から見られる国民形成像とナショナリズムについて
- 明代宦官の官僚としての性質について
- 満洲国軍の実態について
- アッシリア書簡史料に見るウラルトゥ=キンメリア戦争
- 古代メソポタミアの文学・宗教文書における天空の記述
- エマルの裁判文書に見られるヒッタイト支配の影響
- シュメルの聖婚儀礼 ―Iddin-Dagan王讃歌Aをもとに
- 後期青銅器時代のパレスチナ地方における「イスラエル」の定着について―考古学的史料・碑文史料を用いた歴史の考察―
- ヌジにおける女性の遺産相続
- フランス革命と社交組織 ―ジャコバン=クラブを中心に―
- 近代イギリスにおけるツーリズムの展開について
- 第三帝国下の逸脱青少年集団「エーデルヴァイス海賊団」の出現背景に関する考察
- ナチスの民族共同体理念と「民族ドイツ人」帰還事業
- ナチス期ドイツにおける遺伝病子孫予防法の成立と展開 ―遺伝健康裁判所に着目して―
- エリザベス朝イングランドの演劇 ―統制システムとメディア性を中心に―
- 18世紀イギリスにおける消費文化の誕生と服飾産業の展開 ―ロンドンと地方都市の比較を通して―
- ソ連の民族問題と大テロル 「改革」から「防衛」への転換、1921年~1938年
- 1950・60年代における西ドイツの外国人労働者政策について ―イタリア人労働者を対象に―
- 第一次世界大戦期におけるドイツ系アメリカ人のエスニシティ変容
- 19世紀プロイセンにおける教育制度 ―中等教育制度を通した階級再生産構造の検討―
- パリ改造が市民の住環境に与えた影響について ―第二帝政期パリの社会問題と公衆衛生―
- 『グリム童話集』の改作と19世紀前半のドイツ・ナショナリズム ―「いばら姫」におけるテクスト分析からの考察―
- 境界例概念の変遷
- アメリカにおけるろうアイデンティティの形成 ―『サイレント・ワーカー』とろう者の社会的地位の向上―
- 皇位継承者フランツ・フェルディナンドの政治関与 「ベルヴェデーレ・サークル」を中心に
- 明治中期から昭和期にかけての牛久におけるワイン醸造・流通および土地利用の変遷
- 境大橋の架橋による茨城県猿島郡境町の変容
- 近代宇和島における花街の変容
- 近世忍城図に見る忍城下町の空間構造
- 明治期から昭和戦前期における修学旅行に関する歴史地理学的研究―山形県の旧制中学校・高等女学校を事例に―
- 1980年代以降における土浦市の駅前市街地の地域変容
- 高度経済成長期以降における津軽塗産業の衰退とその要因
- 高度経済成長期以降における玉川上水・新堀用水と地域住民の関わり
- 石岡市における新興住宅地の形成と祭礼との関わり ―常陸国総社宮例大祭を事例に―
- 浜松市奥山方広寺門前における境内地の変容
- 牛関連遺物からみた古墳時代の牛について
- アジア各地におけるエッチドカーネリアンビーズの変遷
- 近世東日本における子どもの墓標の形態と意味
- 鹿の子C遺跡の再検討
- 古代信濃国における祭祀の変遷
- 庄内平野における集落の変遷と城柵
- 縄文時代における磨製石斧の意味 ―諏訪地域周辺における出土資料の分析を中心に―
- 北部九州地域における弥生時代の戦いと社会
- アンデスの出土染織品に関する研究
- 個人の意志から捉える墓の断絶と継承の諸相 ―被災2年後の中国地方小都市における現在を事例にして―
- 伝統行事の継承にかかわる知識生産の取り組み ―長野県上伊那郡箕輪町南小河内の「おさんやり」行事を事例に―
- 民俗芸能の継承と伝承母体の拡大 ―愛媛県大洲市「青島の盆踊り」をめぐる島民と島外から集う人々の実践―
- 新規住民の増加を背景とする町会における「つながり」の維持についての民俗学的研究 ―新宿区若松町を事例に―
- 性にまつわる女性の企み ―日本における性教育NPO法人の事例から―
- 趣味を通じた人間関係の創出とその役割についての民俗学的考察 ―SFファンの会を事例に―
- つづらを中心としたものと人間関係
- 村落祭祀の継承における自治組織・神役組織の相互の役割の現在 ―沖縄県南城市奥武島のニンカジリーを事例に―
- 伝統工芸の技術の修得過程と伝達・継承 ―加賀友禅作家を事例に―
- 撞舞における鳶職集団内の協働 ―茨城県龍ヶ崎市を事例に―
- 東京近郊の酒蔵における現代への適応
- 泣き相撲の役割と子どもを見る主体・見せる主体 ―岩手県花巻市東和町三熊野神社を例に―
- 死者としてのペット ―ペット葬のフィールドワークを通じて―
- 語彙概念構造による聖書ヘブライ語使役語幹の分析
- 沖縄系ブラジル移民の言語接触におけるブラジルポルトガル語の影響
- 現代フランス語のテクストにおける詩的機能の研究
- フランス語における女性的ディスコースのアイデンティティに関する考察
- カザフスタン共和国における若者の言語意識に関する調査研究
- リトアニアにおけるロシア語の使用実態について
- 相互行為における視線・身体資源・発話の会話分析的研究
- 日常会話におけるトピック転換
- 日本語初対面会話における自己に関わる語り
- 広告における言語表現から見られるジェンダー・イデオロギー
- 討論番組における発話の重なりと順番取りシステムの分析
- 依頼連鎖の展開の会話分析的研究
- 児童誌の記事における文末形式の分析
- 平板形容詞アクセントの「起伏化」再考 ―活用形別にみた起伏化の実態―
- 高校国語教科書「評論文」の外来語
- 日本語程度副詞の再検討
- 接尾辞「ぽい」の意味・用法
- 複合名詞アクセントにおける平板化傾向の実態
- 「複合動詞+方」のアクセントと山田法則
- 「VN-VNタイプ二字漢語動名詞」について
- 『源氏物語』の宇治十帖別作者説の検討
- A Contrastive Study of Modal Auxiliaries in English and Japanese
- On the Tense Interpretation of Relative Clauses in Japanese and English
- A Study of Relative Clauses in English
- The Syntax of Small Clauses in English
- A Study of Anaphora and Semantic Interpretation in English
- A Minimalist Approach to Clausal Systems and the Derivation of Wh-questions in English
- A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in English and Japanese
- A Lexical Semantic Study of Negative Prefixes in English
- Conceptual Metaphors in English Advertisements
- A Syntactic Approach to One Pronominalization
- モンテーニュにおける徳について
- ラ・メトリ『人間機械論』に見る機械の人間性と人間の機械性
- プラトンにおける哲学という格闘
- レヴィナス『実存から実存者へ』における時間論の可能性
- 『論語』における孔子の「仁」
- カント自殺論の妥当性についての検討
- 浄土真宗における煩悩について
- カントの最高善の位置付け
- E・フロムにおける持つこととあることについて -社会の傾向性と病による持つことの喪失-
- 幼児期の同一化と人格形成
- 弥勒信仰について
- 日本と西洋の死生観の比較を通した臓器移植の考察
- アリストテレスにおける自己愛と友愛の関係性について
- 柳宗悦の民藝運動について
- 親鸞とその妻 -恵信尼文書をめぐって-
- 民衆思想におけるジェンダー観 -不二道を事例として-
- 近代日本人の死生観
- J・S・ミルの自由の議論とその現代的妥当性
- 功利主義から見た民主主義とポピュリズムの関係 -現代アメリカの例から-
- 『万葉集』東歌を中心とする古代日本人の罪悪観
- 絵画からみる聖母マリア観の変遷
- 後期ウィトゲンシュタインにおける宗教観の考察
- 西田幾多郎の還相 -〈永遠の今〉に於いて-
- ギリシア神話と日本神話の比較研究
- 聖遺物崇敬における人々の心性
- 親鸞における他宗教・他宗派観
- 宗教と舞台芸術
- 輪廻思想の道徳的意義
- 「方法」と「対象」
- ルカ文書における弟子たちのイエス理解について
- 日本におけるイスラーム研究と洋の東西区分
- 住宅改善からみる戦間期の家族観
- 「八八艦隊計画期」の帝国海軍
- 戦前期のラジオ放送 -「慰安放送」を中心として-
- 戦間期における宇垣一成と政軍関係
- 近衛篤麿の思想と活動 -雑誌『精神』の分析を通して-
- 昭和初期における民政党党人派 -安達謙蔵を中心として-
- 昭和戦時期における思想統制と特高警察
- 皇道派の成立と思想形成
- 盛岡藩における南部利敬像と家臣団統制
- 明代宦官の官僚としての性質について
- 清朝末期における列強諸国の相互関係からみる中国国内の鉄道の拡大 -盧漢鉄道の例を中心に-
- 19世紀末から20世紀初頭における清蔵関係
- 満洲人の「漢化」の実像 -漢籍翻訳と翻訳科挙に注目して-
- 清朝末期の外交人員の養成について -外交の一元化という面から-
- 明代中後期における、壮族の反乱にともなう広西東部社会の構造変容
- 貿易内容から見る明朝の琉球優遇政策
- 古バビロニア時代の書記教育 -シュメル語文学テキストの記録と記憶-
- イギリス共和政期における対外関係
- スペイン帝国における献策家の研究
- 1960年代のカナダ・ニューブラウンズウィック州におけるロビショー改革
- 15世紀フィレンツェにおけるメディチ家のパトロネージ
- 19世紀前半のフランスにおける民衆運動 -文化史的視点を中心にして-
- アメリカにおける東欧系ユダヤ人のコミュニティ形成と生活
- 第一次世界大戦期アメリカにおける戦時広報 -フォーミニットマン計画を中心に-
- ワイマール期ドイツ映画産業史
- 北アイルランド紛争におけるサニングデール合意の意義と課題
- 第二次世界大戦後西ドイツのトルコ系移民統合問題
- 19世紀プロイセンにおける教育制度 ―中等教育制度を通した階級再生産構造の検討―
- 身延山久遠寺における門前町の観光業の変遷
- 近代地方都市における鉄道の形成と商店街の変容 -茨城県龍ヶ崎市を事例に-
- 山中漆器工場団地造成に伴う地域構造の変化
- 栃木県における人車鉄道の展開
- 成田山新勝寺門前町における空間構造の変容
- 鉄道の新設・廃止に伴う門前町の空間的変容 -島根県出雲市大社町を事例に-
- 史跡に対するイメージの変容と保存・活用の在り方 -国指定史跡・八王子城跡を事例として-
- 茨城県久慈郡大子町におけるコンニャク生産の展開
- 近世忍城図に見る忍城下町の空間構造
- 中央アナトリアを産地とする黒曜石の流通圏の再検討 -先土器新石器時代から新石器時代まで-
- 横穴式石室と埋葬行為 -東日本の事例を中心として-
- 胎土分析からみた縄文土器の流通 -西田遺跡出土土器を用いて-
- 縄文中期大型石棒のライフヒストリー
- 福岡県太宰府市所在江牟田遺跡の再検討 -旧東京教育大学による調査資料に基づいて-
- 関東地方における縄文土器製塩の再検討
- オホーツク文化の動物意匠遺物
- 縄文時代における人とイノシシの関わりについて
- ペルー北部形成期における神殿更新とそこから見る社会変容について
- 古代ローマにおける円形闘技場の社会的機能
- 自然災害と文化財の保護・活用
- 古墳時代榛名山麓における積石塚の検討
- 縄文時代における磨製石斧の意味 ―諏訪地域周辺における出土資料の分析を中心に―
- 移住者と受け入れ農村の関係から見る過疎地域活性化の課題 -大分県中津市耶馬渓町下郷地区を事例に-
- 福来みかんの利用にみる地域資源活用 -茨城県筑波山麓を事例に-
- 祭を運営する人々の取り組みとその変化、継承 -慶徳稲荷神社御田植祭を事例として-
- 「野の学問」としての市民団体とその意義 -流山市立博物館友の会を事例に-
- 難民を制度として利用する者 -人類学的考察
- 三味線製造における「伝統」と「変革」の認識 -新素材を導入する皮張り職人を事例に-
- 多文化社会のなかで生きるということ ~モントリオールの日系人・新移民の日常的実践を事例に-
- トウヤ制の継承における引き継ぎ資料の意義 -出雲市大社町北荒木の9年回りの祷屋開きを事例に-
- 民話を語る現代的意義 -複数の民話の会と語り手を事例に-
- 持続可能な祭礼の継承 -愛媛県今治市菊間町種部落例大祭を事例に-
- 醸造の人類学:フィリピン・セブ島の伝統酒「トゥバ」をめぐる生産と消費の動態に関する考察
- 寺と檀信徒の関係と講
- 現代コミュニティとしてのエクレシア:筑波学園教会を事例に
- 自然という文化と自然ではない文化をめぐる人類学的研究 -自然栽培野菜の流通における美的価値の獲得について-
- 事象関連電位を援用した日本手話理解の考察
- 語彙概念構造による聖書ヘブライ語使役語幹の分析
- 中国語における複合方向補語と目的語の語順
- 中国語比較文における語順について
- 方向動詞“来,去”の連接機能
- フランス語における若者ことば「verlan」の言語学・社会学的研究
- コーパスデータを用いたドイツ語における分離動詞の分析 -結果を表す前つづりaufと基礎動詞の関係-
- ドイツ語の蓋然性に関する副詞の位置について
- 現代ロシア語における副詞の数量的研究
- 電話会話の終結部構造の分析
- Noticing in Japanese EFL Learners' Writing : The Influence of Timing When Presenting Model Essays(モデル作文の提示段階が日本人EFL学習者のライティングにおける気づきに与える影響)
- Oral Reading by EFL Learners : Effects of Silent Reading, Reading While Listening, and Slash Reading(EFL学習者による音読:黙読・音声を聞きながらの読み・スラッシュリーディングの影響)
- LINEアプリを用いたコミュニケーションの構造と特徴の分析
- 振り込め詐欺における説得の技法の会話分析
- アスリートを対象としたインタヴューのディスコース分析
- 社会的属性に関する意識とオノマトペの使用
- The Effects of L1 Use on Speaking Performance by EFL Learners at Different Proficiency Levels(熟達度の異なるEFL学習者のL1使用がスピーキングのパフォーマンスに与える影響)
- Construction of a Writing Support System for Japanese EFL Braille Users(点字を使用する日本人英語学習者へのWriting支援システムの構築)
- マンガ作品のアニメ化における文字表現
- テレビ番組におけるテロップの構造的分類
- ライトノベルにおける役割語
- 呼称「イモ」「セ」の解釈
- 接尾辞「感」を含む語の文法的ふるまいについて
- Denominal Location Verbs inEnglish
- Toward a Relevance-Theoretic Analysis of English Jokes
- On the Expressiveness of the Definite Article in English
- A Semantic Study of English Modal Auxiliaries: With Special Reference to Epistemic Can
- The Semantic Functions of Cleft Sentences in English
- The Acquisition of Unaccusatives : The Roles of A-chains in Early Child Grammar
- Evaluative Adjectives in English
- Cognate Object Constructions in English : Towards an Aspectual Classification of Events
- Metaphors of Communication in English and Japanese : Implications for the Speaker's Role in Language Use
- A Study of Right-peripheral DPs in English
- On the Tense Interpretation in English and Japanese Conditionals
- A Semantic Study of Differences between For-To Infinitives and To Infinitives
- 『ゴルギアス』における宗教的要素とプラトンの哲学的探究
- 『方法序説』において真理の語り方が果たす実践への誘引的役割
- プラトン『饗宴』におけるエロースと美のイデアについて
- プラトン『パイドン』における魂とイデアの類似性について
- カント道徳哲学における幸福について -不完全義務とは何か-
- ヤスパース限界状況論における「死」の位置づけ
- 荘子『胡蝶の夢』における「物化」の差別性について
- ヒューム『人間本性論』の共感論を中心とした統一的読解の試み
- E・フロムにおける持つこととあることについて -社会の傾向性と病による持つことの喪失-
- 中世神仏習合思想史
- 萬葉挽歌における死と愛に関する倫理的考察
- 生命倫理と人間の尊厳
- ナショナリズムの形成における教育勅語の役割
- キリスト教女性神秘家の思想 -ヒルデガルト・フォン・ビンゲンの幻視における「女性」-
- 民衆思想における宗教的寛容の移り変わり~キリスト教を題材に~
- 日本宗教学におけるE・B・タイラーのアニミズム説の受容 -明治大正期を中心に-
- 日本における毘沙門天信仰について
- 現代アイドルの宗教性
- 日本における不浄性と死生観
- 日本の竜蛇信仰-諏訪大社を中心に-
- マンガに現れる宗教
- 聖遺物崇敬における人々の心性
- 史談会の研究 -明治期を中心に-
- 大正期の女子教育における茶道
- 水戸藩の天保改革と寺院
- 近世後期における寺社参詣と名所への旅
- 明治期の地方開墾と士族授産 -安積開墾事業を例として-
- 近世後期における絵画と情報
- 田中義一と総力戦体制
- 戦後における宮内省改革 -官僚制の視点から-
- 地域と軍隊の関係 -「軍都」形成期の宇都宮を中心に-
- 将軍による日光社参と地域社会
- 矢部貞治の思想と行動
- 田口卯吉の歴史観
- 昭和初期における石原莞爾-アジア観をめぐって-
- 教団機関誌に見る田中智学の思想と運動
- 弘前藩における寛政改革と藩士土着政策
- 秋月の乱とその思想
- 皇道派の成立と思想形成
- 明末江南都市部の民衆反乱における士大夫の言論
- 清末対外交易の考察 -マッチ産業より-
- 明・洪武帝による祭祀政策制定とその背景
- ヌルハチによる軍規の確立と旗人対明戦争初期の事例から
- 唐末から宋代における『史通』評価の文化史的検討
- 明代嘉靖年間の「倭寇」論の変遷-王直への言及を中心に-
- 天津『国聞報』と日中関係
- 『バビロニアの神義論』の文学的・神学的特徴
- 紀元前一千年紀メソポタミアの死霊調伏儀礼書における家族の霊
- 紀元前一千年紀バビロニアの神殿における聖職禄業務の代行:ボルシッパ市におけるイリア家の事例
- 紀元前1200年から1000年のカルケミシュにおける王統の継承と周辺諸国との関係
- 古代メソポタミアにおける女悪霊ラマシュトゥの護符-対抗ラマシュトゥ儀礼との関係-
- 北アイルランド紛争におけるサニングデール協定の意義と限界 ~紛争初期の政治的動向がもたらした成果と課題~
- 15世紀後半のイタリアにおけるオリエント観
- ワイマール共和国における教育制度と教養市民層
- 啓蒙的絶対主義によるヨーゼフ2世の表象戦略
- ヴィクトリア時代ロンドンにおける余暇と娯楽と劇場バレエ
- 第二次世界大戦後西ドイツのトルコ系移民統合問題
- 水戸藩内党争関連地域における党争の認識の差異
- 戦後における川口鋳物工場の移転に関する歴史地理学的研究
- 宮城県北部における牛馬飼養の歴史地理学的研究-旧加美郡小野田町を事例として-
- 近現代の埼玉県における地場産業の展開 -「熊谷染」を事例に-
- 戦後日本の民間テレビ放送ネットワークからみた空間構造
- 近代期の福島県における海外移民の送出と母村の変容
- 高度経済成長期以降の埼玉県におけるテニスコートの立地展開
- 明治・大正期における温泉観光地としての浅虫温泉の発展
- 筑波山麓地域における公共交通網の変遷と地域の変化
- 近世忍城図に見る忍城下町の空間構造
- インドネシア・スラウェシ島における旧石器時代のランドスケープ論
- 北部九州における横穴式石室の系譜と地域性-宗像地域の事例分析を中心に-
- ランドスケープ論から見た西アジアにおける都市化とその衰退について
- 出雲の墳墓祭祀と地域間交流
- 畿内古代寺院の造営尺度 7世紀を中心として
- 青銅器の流通からみた弥生時代後期の地域間関係
- 動作連鎖から見た縄文時代の石鏃 -茨城県域を中心に-
- 九州地方における弥生時代の戦闘と戦術
- 箸の出現と食事形態の変遷
- ダムに沈む文化遺産の保護・活用
- 古代エジプトの模型船
- イオマンテの起源をめぐる考古学的考察
- 箱階段の形態と用途に関する考古学的研究
- メディア・アートの創発とポリティクスをめぐるエスノグラフィ―
- ウミウの捕獲における知識-茨城県日立市の事例にみる人と動物の関わり-
- 支援によって形成される『自立』 ~ひきこもり支援NPOの事例から~
- 偉人顕彰を担う小学校 -東広島市立郷田小学校の児童劇を事例に-
- 祭礼の現状と継承への動き -和歌山県田辺市田辺祭から-
- 創造された「祭礼」はいかに継承されるのか -香川県三豊市仁尾町の竜まつりを事例に-
- 人形供養祭開催の意義 -人形の町岩槻を事例として-
- 現代における芸能の場と役割の多様化-福島県いわき市内郷綴町におけるじゃんがら念仏踊りを事例に-
- 棚田農家のこだわりと米の価値-三条市下田地区の「北五百川の棚田」を中心に-
- 島の踊りをめぐる外の期待と内の葛藤-姫島村盆踊りの観光化-
- 人と動物とのかかわり -養豚場における人と動物の関わりと肉と人との関わり-
- 自分たちの踊りの創造と展開に見る地域性-前橋市だんべえ踊りの20年を事例に-
- 針灸・あん摩技法の習得過程 -正統性を身につける-
- 台湾朝市場の人類学的研究
- 自ら獲得する子ども~居場所サポートクラブROBEにおける教育実践と遊びから見る子どもの性向獲得について~
- 実験言語学的手法による分散形態論の検証 -日本語連用形名詞の派生過程を例として-
- 古代ギリシア悲劇における会話部分の語用論的分析
- 方言資料から見た中国語の持続アスペクト
- 中国語の場所詞について
- 「飛ぶ」ドイツ語
- ヴォルガドイツ人の言語・文化状況に関する研究
- ソーシャルメディアに投稿された「握手会レポ」の分析
- Effects of Text Cohesion on Japanese EFL Reading Process and Comprehension(テキストの結束性が日本人英語学習者の読解処理と理解に及ぼす影響)
- Effects of Automatic Word Recognition and Vocabulary Size on Reading Speed and Comprehension Accuracy Among EFL Learners(単語認知の自動化と語彙サイズがEFL学習者の読解速度、理解の正確さに与える影響)
- The Effect of Retelling Repetition and the Role of Self-Assessment (リテリングの繰り返し効果と自己評価の役割について)
- Effects of Task Instruction Type on the Construction of Mental Representations: A Comparison of Oral Retelling and Summarization(タスク教示の違いが心的表象の構築に与える影響: 再話と要約の比較から)
- 共同的に行われる言葉探し活動の分析
- Comparing Self-Explanation and Oral Retelling: Effects on Comprehension and Reading Strategy Use in EFL Reading
(EFLリーディングにおいてSelf-explanationと口頭再話が内容理解と読解ストラテジー使用に与える影響の比較検証) - 聴覚障害学生と健聴学生との相互行為における修復の組織
- The Effect of Reading Purposes on EFL Learners' Reading Process and Comprehension: A Comparison Between Multiple-Choice and Essay-Type Tests (読みの目的がEFL学習者の読解プロセスと理解に及ぼす影響 -多肢選択式とエッセイ型の比較に基づき-)
- The Relationship Between Raters' English Proficiency and Their Interpretation of the Speaking Rating Scale(評価者の英語の熟達度とスピーキング評価時の観点の相関)
- The Analysis of EFL Speaking Scoring Process(EFLスピーキングの採点過程の分析)
- 「逆に」の新たな用法についての検討
- 明治期読本における外来語
- 終助詞の役割語的機能について
- 平板式動詞に接続する助動詞「たい」のアクセントについて
- ウェブ検索による外来語表記のゆれの調査
- 「途端(に)」の意味・用法の検討
- 「ちょっと」の用法について
- 原因理由表現の使い分けに関する研究
- A Cognitive Semantic Study of Emotion Metaphors in English
- A Pragmatic Study of Irony
- The Mechanism of the Address Use of Mate
- A Study of the English Perfect
- A Study of Adjectival Passives in English
The College of Humanities emphasizes graduation theses and includes a total of nine credits together with related research courses as a graduation requirement. Through writing graduation theses and conducting research, students grow significantly, then go out into the world. The following is a list of graduation thesis titles by year.
*Courses in the College of Humanities were restructured in 2019. Here, they are written according to the current system.
2018 Graduation Theses
Philosophy Major
Philosophy Course (Philosophy and Ethics Course)
- Form and Silence in Jacques Derrida's "Adieu"
- The Solitary, the Other, and the Self - Problems in Husserl's Solipsism
- Kenneth Clarke's Theories of Nudity
- The Structure of Alienation in the Lacanian Subject
- “A Theory of Justice” and the Theological Ethics of Rawls in His Youth
- The Spirit of Total Acceptance—A Focus on Ippen’s “Banshu Hogo-shu”
- Worldly Desire in True Pure Land Buddhism
- The Ethical Significance of Jesuit Education Today: A Focus on "The Characteristics of Jesuit Education"
- The Range of Freedom Theory in Origen’s “On Prayer”
- The Unity of Life in MacIntyre
- Hume's Theory of Morality ―Motivation for Moral Behavior
- Sartre’s Theory of Art and Tendency Toward the Fictitious
- How the Peculiarities of Others are Recognized Approved
- The Ethics of "Oni"
- The Sublime in Kant's "Critique of Judgment"
Religious Studies Course
- Rethinking Relativism—Comparing Protagoras, Herder, and Jainism
- Construction of Religious Narratives in Modern Japan
- The Introduction of Modern Technology Into Buddhism and Its Impact
- Practice in Samkhya Philosophy
- Philosophical and Religious Foundations of the Concept of Minorities
- "Expression" and Possibility in Merleau-Ponty
History Major
Japanese History Course
- Merging of Towns and Villages in Post-War Ibaraki Prefecture—The Case of Gozenyama Village
- Control of Ancient Tohoku and the Eastern Lands
- Position of Official Monks in the Ritsuryo System
- 9th-Century Trade Management and Chinese Goods
- Leisure and Labor in the Taisho Era— A Focus on Yasunosuke Gonda's Theory of Entertainment
- Decision-Making Processes of the Japanese Army—A Focus on the Two-Division Expansion Problem
- Regional Political Structure in the Taisho and Early Showa Period: A Focus on the City of Nagoya
- Views on the Imperial Line During the Nara Period
- Emperor Keitai and the Change of Yamato Sovereignty
- Development of Youth Group Movements in the Interwar Period
- Kuroiwa Ruiko and Translation--Looking at "Western Women's University"
- Mishima Michitsune and the Compilation of "Kuni no Sugata ("The Shape of the Nation")
- The Causes and Significance of Abolishing Sangen
- Kikujiro Ishii and Japanese Diplomacy Post Russo-Japanese War and During the Taisho Era: A Focus on Japan's Policy toward China
Eurasian History Course (Eastern History Course/Western History Course)
- The Nature of the Shu Han Regime and Its Structural Transitions Seen in the Rise of Jiang Wei: A Focus on the Prehistory Behind Jiang Wei's Seizure of Power
- The Stagnation of the Spread of New Firearms as Seen from 16th-Century Ming Dynasty Military Operations: A Case Study of the Subjugation of the Wokou Pirates
- The Role of Local Leadership in the Chinese Communist Party During Land Reform in Northeast China During Post-WWII Civil War
- Grain Stockpiling and Distribution in Shandong Province During the Yongzheng Era
- Military Systems from the Late Han Dynasty to the Western Jin Dynasty: The Establishment and Development of Governor-Generals and Their Relationship to the General
- Mobilization of the Mujahideen on the Southern Xinjiang Road in the Early Qing Dynasty: The Ush Rebellion of 1765
- Nation-Building and Nationalism Seen in History Textbooks Under the Chinese Nationalist Government
- The Nature of Ming-Era Eunuchs as Bureaucrats
- The Actual State of the Manchukuo Imperial Army
- Urartu-Cimmerian War in Assyrian Epistles
- Descriptions of the Sky in Ancient Mesopotamian Literature and Religious Texts
- The Influence of Hittite Rule Seen in Court Documents in Emar
- Sumerian Sacred Marriage Ceremony: A Study of Iddin-Dagan A
- The Settlement of "Israel" in the Palestinian Region during the Late Bronze Age: A Historical Study Using Archaeological Materials and Inscriptions Sources
- Property Inheritance Among Women in Nuzi
- The French Revolution and Social Group: A Focus on the Jacobin Club
- The Development of Tourism in Early Modern UK
- A Study on the Emergence of "Edelweiss Piraten": A Group of Deviant Youth Under the National Socialism
- Nazi Concepts of Volksgemeinschaft (People’s Community) and Volksdeutsche (Ethnic German) Return Project
- The Establishment and Development of the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring in Nazi Germany: A Focus on Genetic Health Court
- Theater in Elizabethan England: A Focus on Control Systems and the Nature of Media
- The Birth of Consumer Culture and the Apparel Industry in 18th -Century UK: A Comparison Between London and Regional Cities
- Ethnic Problems and the Great Purge in the Soviet Union: From "Reform" to "Defense," 1921-1938
- West German Policy Toward Foreign Workers in the 1950s and 1960s: In the Case of Italian Workers
- Ethnicity Changes in German Americans During World War I
- The Prussian Education System in the 19th Century : An Examination of the Class Reproduction Structure Through the Secondary Education System
- The Impact of the Renovation of Paris on the Living Environment of its Citizens: Social Problems and Public Health in Paris during the Second French Empire―
- The Revisions of "Grimm's Fairy Tales" and German Nationalism in the First Half of the 19th Century: A Textual Analysis of "Briar Rose "
- Shifts in the Concept of Borderline
- The Formation of Deaf Identity in the U.S. - The "Silent Worker" and Improvements in the Social Status of Deaf People
- The Political Involvement of Franz Ferdinand, Heir to the Throne: A Focus on the "Belvedere Circle"
Historical Geography Course
- Changes in Winemaking, Distribution, and Land Use in Ushiku from the Mid-Meiji to the Showa Period
- Changes Stemming From the Sakai Ohashi Bridge to the Town of Sakai in Sarushima District, Ibaraki Prefecture
- Changes to the Red Light District of Early Modern Uwajima
- The Spatial Structure of Oshi Castle Town Based on Pictorial Maps of Oshi Castle in the Early Modern Period
- Historical Geography Research on School Trips From the Meiji to the Prewar Showa Period—A Case Study of the junior high school and the girls' high school under the old system in Yamagata Prefecture
- Regional Transformation of Station-Front Urban Areas in the City of Tsuchiura Since the 1980s
- The Decline of the Tsugaru Lacquerware Industry and Underlying Causes After Japan's Period of High Economic Growth
- The Relationship Between the Tamagawa Aqueduct/Shinbori Channel and Local Residents After Japan's Period of High Economic Growth
- The Formation of New Residential Areas and Their Relationship to Festivals in Ishioka City: A Case Study of the Hitachi-no-kuni Soshagu Shrine Festival
- Changes of the Temple Grounds in Front of the Temple Gate at Hoko-ji Temple in Okuyama, Hamamatsu
Archaeology and Folklore Major
Prehistory and Archaeology Course
- Cattle in the Kofun Period as Seen in Cattle-Related Artifacts
- Changes in Etched Carnelian Beads in Asia
- The Form and Significance of Children's Gravestones in Early Modern Eastern Japan
- Reexamination of the Kanoko C Site
- Shifts in Religious Services in Ancient Shinano Province
- Shifts in Villages in the Shonai Plains and Castle Fences
- The Meaning of Polished Stone Axes in the Jomon Period: An Analysis of Materials Excavated from the Suwa Area
- Yayoi Era Battles and Society in the Northern Kyushu Region
- Research on Dyed and Woven Products Excavated in the Andes
Folklore and Cultural Anthropology Course
- Phases of Discontinuation and Succession of Graves Based on Individual Will – A Case Study on the Current Situation in Small Cities in the Chugoku Region Two Years After an Earthquake
- Efforts Toward Knowledge Production in Passing Down Traditional Events—A Case Study of the Osan-Yari Event in Minami-Ogochi, Minowamachi, Kamiina District, Nagano Prefecture
- Passing Down Folk Performing Arts and Expanding the Traditional Group : Practice Surrounding the Aoshima Bon Dance in the City of Ozu, Ehime Prefecture, by Both Island Residents and Outsiders
- Folk Study on Maintaining Connections in Neighborhood Association with Increased Number of New Residents—A Case Study of Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku
- Women's Plots around Sex --A Case Example of a Sex-Education NPO in Japan
- The Creation and Role of Human Relationships Through Hobbies – A Case Study of a Sci Fi Fan Group
- Human Relationships around Wicker Baskets
- The Current Mutual Relationship Between Self-Governing Organization and Priests for Local Gods in Succession of Village Rituals —A Case Study of Ninkajirii Event on Ojima Island, Nanjo, Okinawa Prefecture
- The Acquiring Process of Transmitting and Inheriting Traditional Craft Skills: A Case Study of Kaga Yuzen Craftspeople
- Cooperation Among Steeplejack Worker Group in Tsukumai Folk Performance—A Case Study of Ryugasaki, Ibaraki Prefecture
- Adaptation to Modern Times by Sake Breweries Near Tokyo
- The Role of the Naki Sumo Crying Baby Festival and Those Who Watch/Those Who Perform—A Case Study From Mikumano Shrine in Towa-cho, Hanamaki, Iwate Prefecture
- Pets as the Deceased--Based on Fieldwork at Pet Funerals
Linguistics Major
General Linguistics Course (General Linguistics, French Language Studies, German Language Studies, Russian Language Studies)
- An Analysis of Biblical Hebrew Causative Stems Using Lexical Conceptual Structure
- The Influence of Brazilian Portuguese in Language Contact With Brazilian Immigrants of Okinawan Descent
- Study on Poetic Function in Modern French Texts
- Study on the Identity of Feminine Discourse in French
- A Survey on Language Awareness Among Young People in the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Actual State of Use of the Russian Language in Lithuania
Applied Linguistics Course
- A Conversational Analysis of Gaze, Physical Resources, and Speech in Interaction
- Changing Topics in Everyday Conversation
- Narratives Relating to the Self in First-Time Conversations in Japanese
- Gender Ideology Seen in Linguistic Expressions Used in Advertising
- An Analysis of Speech Overlap and Ordering Systems in Discussion Programs
- Conversation Analysis Research on Development of Request Chains
- Analysis of Sentence Ending Forms in Articles in Children’s Magazines
Japanese Language Studies Course
- Reconsidering the "Undulation" of Accents in Even-Pitched Adjectives: The Reality of Undulation Seen in Different Conjugated Forms
- Loanwords in Essays in High School Japanese Textbooks
- A Reconsideration of Adverbs of Degree in Japanese
- The Meaning and Usage of the Suffix "Poi"
- The True State of the Trend Toward Flattening in Compound Noun Accents
- The Accent of "Compound Verb + Direction" and Yamada's Law
- VN-VN Type Two-Character Chinese Gerunds
- Consideration on the Theory That the “Ten Chapters of Uji” in the Tale of Genji Were Written by Another Author
English Linguistics Course
- A Contrastive Study of Modal Auxiliaries in English and Japanese
- On the Tense Interpretation of Relative Clauses in Japanese and English
- A Study of Relative Clauses in English
- The Syntax of Small Clauses in English
- A Study of Anaphora and Semantic Interpretation in English
- A Minimalist Approach to Clausal Systems and the Derivation of Wh-questions in English
- A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in English and Japanese
- A Lexical Semantic Study of Negative Prefixes in English
- Conceptual Metaphors in English Advertisements
- A Syntactic Approach to One Pronominalization
2017 Graduation Theses
Philosophy Major
Philosophy Course (Philosophy and Ethics Course)
- Virtue in Montaigne
- The Humanity of the Machine and the Mechanical Nature of Man in La Mettrie's "L'homme Machine"
- The Struggle of Philosophy in Plato
- The Possibility of Time Theory in Levinas's "From Existence to Existents"
- Confucian "Benevolence" in "The Analects"
- A Study of the Validity of Kant's Theory of Suicide
- Worldly Desire in True Pure Land Buddhism
- Positioning of the Highest Good in Kant
- On Having and Being in E. Fromm: Social Tendency and the Loss of Having Through Illness
- Identification and Personality Formation in Early Childhood
- On the Maitreya Faith
- Study on Organ Transplant Through a Comparison of Japanese and Western Views on Life and Death
- The Relationship Between Self-Love and Fraternity in Aristotle
- The Mingei Movement of Yanagi Soetsu
- Shinran and His Wife: The Eshinni Documents
- Views on Gender in Popular Thought: A Case Study on Fujido
- Early Modern Japanese Views of Life and Death
- J.S. Mill's Discussion of Freedom and its Modern Relevance
- The Relationship between Democracy and Populism from a Utilitarian Perspective: The Case of Contemporary America
- The Ancient Japanese View of Guilt With a Focus on the Old Kanto-Area Folk Songs of the “Manyoshu”
Religious Studies Course
- Shifts in Views on the Virgin Mary Seen in Paintings
- A Study of Wittgenstein’s Later Views on Religion
- The Return of Kitaro Nishida - "The Eternal Now"
- Comparative Study of Greek and Japanese Mythology
- The Human Mind in the Veneration of Relics
- Shinran's Views on Other Religions and Sects
- Religion and The Performing Arts
- The Ethical Significance of the Concept of Reincarnation
- Method and Subject
- Disciples’ Understanding of Jesus in Luke’s Writings
- Islamic Studies in Japan and East-West Categorization
History Major
Japanese History Course
- Family Values During the Interwar Period As Seen in Housing Improvement
- The Imperial Navy During the “Eight-Eight Fleet” Period
- Pre-War Radio Broadcasting: A Focus on “Entertainment Broadcasts”
- Kazushige Ugaki and Political-Military Relations in the Interwar Period
- The Thought and Activities of Konoe Atsumaro: An Analysis of the Journal "Seishin"
- Constitutional Democratic Party Factions in the Early Showa Period: A Focus on Kenzo Adachi
- Thought Control and Tokubetsu Koto Keisatsu (Tokko, "Special Higher Police") in the Showa Period
- Establishment of the Imperial Way Faction and Ideological Formation
- The Image of Nanbu Toshitaka and Control of Vassals in Morioka Domain
Eurasian History Course (Eastern History Course/Western History Course)
- The Nature of Ming-Era Eunuchs as Bureaucrats
- The Expansion of Domestic Chinese Railways Seen From Mutual Relationships Among Powers During the Late Qing Dynasty: A Focus on the Luhan Railway
- Qing-Tibet Relations From the Late 19th Century to the Early 20th Century
- The Reality Behind the Sinicization of Manchurians: A Focus on Translation of the Chinese Classics and Translation-Based Civil Servant Exams
- Training of Diplomats in the Late Qing Dynasty: The Aspect of Centralization of Diplomacy
- Structural Transformation of Eastern Guangxi Society Following the Zhuang Rebellion in the Late Middle Ming Dynasty
- Preferential Policies of the Ming Dynasty Toward Ryukyu
- Scribal Education in the Old Babylonian Period: Records and Memories of Sumerian Literature
- Foreign Relations During the British Republic
- A Study on Proponents in the Spanish Empire
- Robichaud Reforms in New Brunswick, Canada in the 1960s
- Patronage of the Medici Family in 15th-Century Florence
- Popular Movements in France in the First Half of the 19th Century: A Focus on Cultural Historical Perspectives
- Community Building and Lifestyles of Eastern European Jews in the United States
- Wartime Public Relations in The US During World War I: A Focus on the Four Minute Men Project
- History of the German Film Industry in the Weimar Republic
- The Significance and Challenges of the Sunningdale Agreement in the Northern Ireland Conflict
- The Problems With Integration Among Turkish Immigrants in West Germany Post-World War II
- The Prussian Education System in the 19th Century —An Examination of the Class Reproduction Structure Through the Secondary Education System
Historical Geography Course
- Changes in the Tourism Industry in the Town Surrounding Minobusan Kuonji Temple
- The Formation of Railroads and the Transformation of Shopping Alleys in Modern Regional Cities: A Case Study of Ryugasaki City in Ibaraki Prefecture
- Regional Structure Changes Accompanying the Formation of the Yamanaka Lacquerware Factory Complex
- Development of Handcar Railways in Tochigi Prefecture
- The Transformation of Spatial Structure in the Town Built Around Naritasan Shinshoji Temple
- Spatial Transformation in Towns Built Around Temples When Railways are Established or Abolished: A Case Study of the Town of Taisha in Izumo, Shimane Prefecture
- Transformation in the Image of Historic Sites and Their Preservation and Utilization: The Case of Hachioji Castle Ruins, a National Historic Site
- Development of Konjac Production in the Town of Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki Prefecture
- The Spatial Structure of Oshi Castle Town Based on Illustrations of Oshi Castle in the Early Modern Period
Archaeology and Folklore Major
Prehistory and Archaeology Course
- A Review of the Distribution of Obsidian from Central Anatolia: From the Preceramic Period to the Neolithic Period
- Tunnel-Shaped Stone Burial Chambers and Burial Practices: A Case Study From Eastern Japan
- Jomon Pottery Distribution Examined Through Paste Analysis: Using Pottery from the Nishida Site
- The Life Story of Giant Stone Rods From the Middle Jomon Period
- A Review of the Emuda Site in Dazaifu, Fukuoka: Based on Survey Data From Former Tokyo University of Education
- A Review of Salt-Making Using Jomon Pottery in the Kanto Region
- Relics With Animal Designs From the Okhotsk Culture
- The Relationship Between Humans and Boars During the Jomon Period
- Temple Renewal During the Formative Period of Northern Peru and Its Implications for Social Change
- Social Functions of the Amphitheater in Ancient Rome
- Natural Disasters and the Conservation and Utilization of Cultural Assets
- A Study of Stone Pile Mounds From the Kofun Period in the Foothills of Mount Haruna
Folklore and Cultural Anthropology Course
- The Meaning of Polished Stone Axes in the Jomon Period: An Analysis of Materials Excavated from the Suwa Area
- Issues in Revitalizing Underpopulated Areas Seen in Relations Between Migrants and Rural Host Areas: A Case Study of the Shimogo area in the Town of Yabakei, Nakatsu, Oita Prefecture
- Use of Local Resources Observed in the Use of Fukure Mikan Mandarin Oranges: A Case Study of the Foothills of Mount Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture
- The Efforts of People Running Festival and Their Changes and Succession: A Case Study of the Rice Planting Festival at Keitoku Inari Shrine
- Citizen Groups as “Field Learning” and Their Significance: A Case Study of the Nagareyama City Museum Supporter’s Association
- People Who Use Refugee as a System: An Anthropological Study
- Recognition of “Tradition” and “Change” in Shamisen Manufacturing: A Case Study of Leather Stretching Artisans Adopting New Materials
- What it Means to Live in a Multicultural Society: A Case Study on the Daily Practices of Japanese Descendants and New Immigrants in Montreal
- The Significance of Materials Handed Down in the Toya System: A Case Study of the Start of a Toya That Rotates Every Nine Years in Kita-Araki, Taisha-cho, Izumo
- The Contemporary Significance of Telling Folklore: A Case Study of Multiple Folklore Associations and Storytellers
- Sustainable Succession of Festivals: A Case Study of an Annual Festival in the Hamlet of Tane, Kikumacho, Imabari, Ehime Prefecture
- The Anthropology of Brewing: A Study on the Dynamics of Production and Consumption of Tuba, a Traditional Alcohol in Cebu, Philippines
- Religious Associations and the Relationship Between Temples and Parishioners
- Ecclesia as a Modern Community: A Case Study of the Tsukuba Gakuen Church
- Anthropological Research on the Culture of the Natural and the Culture of the Unnatural: Acquiring Aesthetic Value in the Distribution of Naturally Grown Vegetables
Linguistics Major
General Linguistics Course (General Linguistics, Chinese Language Studies, French Language Studies, Russian Language Studies)
- A Study on Japanese Sign Language Understanding Using Event-Related Potentials
- An Analysis of Biblical Hebrew Causative Stems Using Lexical Conceptual Structure
- Order of Compound Directional Complements and Objects in Chinese
- Word Order in Comparative Chinese Sentences
- Connecting Function of the Directional Verbs “来, 去”
- A Linguistic and Sociological Study on the Youth Word “Verlan” in French
- An Analysis of Separable Verbs in German Using Corpus Data—The Relationship Between Basic Verbs and the Prefix “Auf” to Express Results
- The Position of Adverbs in Relationship to Likelihood in German
- Quantitative Study of Adverbs in Modern Russian
Applied Linguistics Course
- Analysis of Ending Structures of Telephone Conversations
- Noticing in Japanese EFL Learners' Writing : The Influence of Timing When Presenting Model Essays(モデル作文の提示段階が日本人EFL学習者のライティングにおける気づきに与える影響)
- Oral Reading by EFL Learners : Effects of Silent Reading, Reading While Listening, and Slash Reading(EFL学習者による音読:黙読・音声を聞きながらの読み・スラッシュリーディングの影響)
- An Analysis of the Structure and Characteristics of Communications Using the LINE App
- A Conversational Analysis of Persuasion Techniques Used in Money Wire Fraud
- Discourse Analysis of Interviews with Athletes
- Awareness of Social Attributes and the Use of Onomatopoeia
- The Effects of L1 Use on Speaking Performance by EFL Learners at Different Proficiency Levels(熟達度の異なるEFL学習者のL1使用がスピーキングのパフォーマンスに与える影響)
- Construction of a Writing Support System for Japanese EFL Braille Users(点字を使用する日本人英語学習者へのWriting支援システムの構築)
Japanese Language Studies Course
- Lettering in Animated Versions of Manga
- Structural Classification of On-Screen Captions in TV Programs
- Role Language in Light Novels
- Interpretations of the Naming "Imo" and "Se"
- The Grammatical Behavior of Words Containing the Suffix “感"
English Linguistics Course
- Denominal Location Verbs inEnglish
- Toward a Relevance-Theoretic Analysis of English Jokes
- On the Expressiveness of the Definite Article in English
- A Semantic Study of English Modal Auxiliaries: With Special Reference to Epistemic Can
- The Semantic Functions of Cleft Sentences in English
- The Acquisition of Unaccusatives : The Roles of A-chains in Early Child Grammar
- Evaluative Adjectives in English
- Cognate Object Constructions in English : Towards an Aspectual Classification of Events
- Metaphors of Communication in English and Japanese : Implications for the Speaker's Role in Language Use
- A Study of Right-peripheral DPs in English
- On the Tense Interpretation in English and Japanese Conditionals
- A Semantic Study of Differences between For-To Infinitives and To Infinitives
2016 Graduation Theses
Philosophy Major
Philosophy Course (Philosophy and Ethics Course)
- Religious Elements in "Gorgias" and Plato's Philosophical Exploration
- The Role of Truth-Telling in “Discourse on Method” in Inducing Practice
- On the Idea of Eros and Beauty in Plato's "The Symposium"
- The Similarity of Soul and Idea in Plato's "Phaedo"
- Happiness in Kant's Moral Philosophy: What is Imperfect Obligation?
- The Place of “Death” in Jasper’s Limit Situation Theory
- The Discriminatory Nature of "Objectification" in Zhuangzi's "Butterfly Dream"
- An Attempt at a Unified Reading of Hume’s “A Treatise of Human Nature” With Focus on Empathy Theory
- On Having and Being in E. Fromm: Social Tendency and the Loss of Having Through Illness
- The History of Shinto-Buddhist Syncretization in the Middle Ages
- Ethical Considerations on Death and Love in Elegies in the Manyoshu
- Bioethics and Human Dignity
- The Role of the Imperial Rescript on Education in the Formation of Nationalism
- The Thoughts of a Christian Female Mystic: "Woman" in the Vision of Hildegard von Bingen
Religious Studies Course
- Shifts in Religious Tolerance in Popular Thought: The Case of Christianity
- Acceptance of E. B. Tylor's Theory of Animism in Japanese Religious Studies: A Focus on the Meiji and Taisho Periods
- Bishamonten Faith in Japan
- The Religious Nature of Modern-Day Idols
- Uncleanliness and Views of Life and Death in Japan
- Dragon and Snake-Based Faith in Japan: A Focus on Suwa Taisha Shrine
- Religion Expressed in Manga
- The Human Mind in the Veneration of Relics
History Major
Japanese History Course
- A Study of Historical Discourse Associations: A Focus on the Meiji Period
- Tea Ceremony in Girls' Education During the Taisho Period
- Tenpo Reform and Temples of the Mito Domain
- Temple/Shrine Pilgrimages and Travel to Famous Places After the Early Modern Period
- Local Land Reclamation and Work Programs For Families With Samurai Ancestry: The Case of the Asaka Land Reclamation Project
- Painting and Information in the Late Early Modern Period
- Giichi Tanaka and the Total War System
- Imperial Household Ministry Reform in the Postwar Period: A Bureaucratic Perspective
- The Relationship between Local Communities and the Military: A Focus on Utsunomiya during the Formation of "Military Cities"
- Local Communities and Visits to Nikko Shrine by the Shogun
- Thoughts and Actions of Teiji Yabe
- Taguchi Ukichi's Historical Views
- Kanji Ishiwara in the Early Showa Period: Views on Asia
- Chigaku Tanaka's Thoughts and Actions as Seen in Religious Organization Journals
- Kansei Reform and Local Retainer Policy in the Hirosaki Domain
- The Akizuki Rebellion and Its Ideology
- Establishment of the Imperial Way Faction and Ideological Formation
Eurasian History Course (Eastern History Course/Western History Course)
- The Speech of Chinese Scholar-Bureaucrats During Popular Revolts in Urban Areas of Jiangnan at the End of the Ming Dynasty
- A Study of Foreign Trade in the Late Qing Dynasty: The Match Industry
- Establishment and Background of Ceremonial Policy by the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty
- The Establishment of Military Discipline by Nurhaci and a Case Study of the Early War Between the Eight Banners and the Ming
- A Cultural Historical Examination of Reviews of "The Shitong" From the Late Tang to the Song Dynasty
- Changes in the Theory of ‘Wokou Pirates’ During the Ming Dynasty Under Emperor Jiajiang—A Focus on References to Wang Zhi
- The Tianjin Based “Guowen Bao” and Sino-Japanese Relations
- Literary and Theological Features of "Babylonian Theodicy"
- Family Ghosts in the Rituals to Dispel the Spirits of the Dead in Ancient Mesopotamia
- Delegation of Clerical Work in Babylonian Temples During the First Millennium B.C.: The Case of the Ilia family in the City of Borsippa
- Royal Succession in Carchemish From 1200-1000 B.C. and Relations with Surrounding countries
- The Amulet of the Evil Female Spirit Lamashtu in Ancient Mesopotamia: Its Relation to Rituals Against Lamashtu
- The Significance and Limitations of the Sunningdale Agreement in the Northern Ireland Conflict: Outcomes and Challenges of Political Developments in the Early Part of the Conflict
- Views of the Orient in Late 15th-Century Italy
- The Educational System and Educated Bourgeoisie in the Weimar Republic
- The Image Strategy of Joseph II Through Enlightened Absolutism
- Leisure, Entertainment, and Ballet Theater in Victorian London
Historical Geography Course
- The Problems With Integration Among Turkish Immigrants in West Germany Post-World War II
- Differences in Perceptions of Faction Conflict in Areas in the Mito Domain Involved in Faction Conflict
- A Historical and Geographical Study on the Post-War Relocation of the Kawaguchi Foundry
- A Historical and Geographical Study of Cattle and Horse Rearing in Northern Miyagi Prefecture: A Case Study of the Town of Onoda in the Former Kami District
- Development of Local Industry in Modern Saitama Prefecture: A Case Study of Kumagaya Dyeing
- Spatial Structure Seen in Private Television Broadcast Networks in Postwar Japan
- Overseas Emigration and Transformations to Home Villages in Early Modern Fukushima Prefecture
- Locational Development of Tennis Courts in Saitama Prefecture After the High Economic Growth Period
- The Development of Asamushi Hot Springs as a Tourist Resort During the Meiji and Taisho Periods
- Shifts in Public Transportation and Local Changes in the Foothills of Mount Tsukuba
- The Spatial Structure of Oshi Castle Town Based on Illustrations of Oshi Castle in the Early Modern Period
Archaeology and Folklore Major
Prehistory and Archaeology Course
- Palaeolithic Landscape on the Island of Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Chronological Rrelations and Regional Varieties of the Passage Graves in Northern Kyushu: A Case Study of the Munakata Region
- Urbanization in West Asia and Its Decline from the Perspective of Landscape
- Ritual Practice on the Burial Mounds in Izumo and Its Inter-Regional Relations
- Measuring Units for the Construction of Ancient Temples in the Kinai Region: A Focus on the 7th Century
- Distribution of Bronze Artifacts and the Inter-Regional Relaions in the Late Yayoi Period
- Chaînes Opératoires of Jomon Arrowheads: A Focus on the Ibaraki Prefecture Area
- Battles and Tactics in the Yayoi Period in Kyushu
- The Origins of Chopsticks and the Shifts in Eating Style
- Conservation and Public Use of Cultural Heritage Submerged under Dams
- Model Ships of Ancient Egypt
- An Archaeological Study on the Origins of Iomante
- An Archaeological Study of the Typology and Function of Box Stairs
Folklore and Cultural Anthropology Course
- Ethnography on the Emergence of Media Art and Politics
- Knowledge on Cormorant Fishing: The Relationship Between People and Animals Seen in a Case in the City of Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture
- "Self-Reliance" Formed Through Support: A Case Study of an NPO to Help Shut-Ins
- Elementary Schools Honoring Great People: A Case Study of a Children's Play at Higashi-Hiroshima Municipal Goda Elementary
- Current Status of Festivals and Trends in Succession: The Tanabe Festival in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture
- How Created "Festivals" are Inherited: A Case Study of the Dragon Festival in Nio-cho, Miyoto, Kagawa Prefecture
- The Significance of Hosting the Doll Funeral: A Case Study in Iwatsuki, the City of Dolls
- Diversification the Venue and Role of Performing Arts in Modern Times: A Case Study of the Jangara Nembutsu Dance in Uchigotsuzura-machi, Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture
- The Particularities of Terraced Rice Paddy Farmers and the Value of Rice: A Focus on Kitaimogawa Rice Paddies in the Shimoda Area of Sanjo
- External Expectations and Internal Conflict over an Island Dance: Turning the Himejima Village Bon Odori into a Tourist Attraction
- Relationships Between Humans and Animals: The Relationship Between People and Animals and Its Relation to Meat at Pig Farms
- Regional Characteristics Seen in the Creation and Development of Original Dances: A Case Study of 20 Years of Maebashi Danbee Dance
- The Learning Process for Moxibustion and Massage Techniques: Acquiring Orthodoxy
- An Anthropological Study of Taiwan's Morning Markets
- Acquisition by Children Themselves: Acquisition of Propensities in Children Seen Through Educational Practice and Play at the Support Club ROBE, a Place of Belonging
Linguistics Major
General Linguistics Course (General Linguistics, Chinese Language Studies, German Language Studies, Russian Language Studies)
- Verifying Distributed Morphology Using Experimental Linguistic Methods: A Case Study of the Derivation Process of Gerunds in Japanese
- Pragmatic Analysis of Speaking Parts in Ancient Greek Tragedies
- The Continuous Aspect of Chinese Seen in Dialect Sources
- Chinese Place Words
- German "Fly"
- A Study on the Linguistic and Cultural Status of the Volga Germans
Applied Linguistics Course
- Analysis of "Meet and Greet Reports" Posted to Social Media
- Effects of Text Cohesion on Japanese EFL Reading Process and Comprehension(テキストの結束性が日本人英語学習者の読解処理と理解に及ぼす影響)
- Effects of Automatic Word Recognition and Vocabulary Size on Reading Speed and Comprehension Accuracy Among EFL Learners(単語認知の自動化と語彙サイズがEFL学習者の読解速度、理解の正確さに与える影響)
- The Effect of Retelling Repetition and the Role of Self-Assessment (リテリングの繰り返し効果と自己評価の役割について)
- Effects of Task Instruction Type on the Construction of Mental Representations: A Comparison of Oral Retelling and Summarization(タスク教示の違いが心的表象の構築に与える影響: 再話と要約の比較から)
- Analysis of Word Search Activities Done Collaboratively
- Comparing Self-Explanation and Oral Retelling: Effects on Comprehension and Reading Strategy Use in EFL Reading
(EFLリーディングにおいてSelf-explanationと口頭再話が内容理解と読解ストラテジー使用に与える影響の比較検証) - Organizations For Restoration in Interactions Between Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Students
- The Effect of Reading Purposes on EFL Learners' Reading Process and Comprehension: A Comparison Between Multiple-Choice and Essay-Type Tests (読みの目的がEFL学習者の読解プロセスと理解に及ぼす影響 -多肢選択式とエッセイ型の比較に基づき-)
- The Relationship Between Raters' English Proficiency and Their Interpretation of the Speaking Rating Scale(評価者の英語の熟達度とスピーキング評価時の観点の相関)
- The Analysis of EFL Speaking Scoring Process(EFLスピーキングの採点過程の分析)
Japanese Language Studies Course
- A Study on New Uses of the Phrase "Gyaku Ni"
- Loanwords in Meiji-Era Readers
- The Role Language Function of End Particles
- The Accent of the Auxiliary Verb "Tai" Linking Flat Verbs
- Research on Fluctuations in Loanword Notation Using Online Searches
- Study on the Meaning and Usage of "Tottan (ni)"
- The Use of "Chotto"
- Study on Use of Causal Expressions
English Linguistics Course
- A Cognitive Semantic Study of Emotion Metaphors in English
- A Pragmatic Study of Irony
- The Mechanism of the Address Use of Mate
- A Study of the English Perfect
- A Study of Adjectival Passives in English