Philosophy and Ethics Course 哲学・倫理学コース




教授[西洋近世哲学と対話論]檜垣 良成

  • 哲学特講
  • 哲学史
  • 哲学演習
  • 倫理学特講
  • 倫理思想史
  • 倫理学演習


  • プラトンにおける正義と幸福
  • 伝統的懐疑論とデカルトの方法的懐疑
  • カント倫理学における嘘の絶対的禁止の位置づけ
  • ベルクソンにおける客観性の問題
  • 生命倫理における「自己」領域の臨界点
  • 共苦の思想-親鸞と利他行-
  • 不安の中の実存 -キルケゴール「不安の概念」研究-
  • ヤスパースにおける<限界状況>と<直観>
  • ハンナ・アーレントの「世界」について



教員名 職階 メッセージ
常 瀟琳 常 瀟琳Xiaolin Chang 助教 異国のような他者性と、現在との連続性を併せ持つ日本思想史との真剣な〈対話〉を通じて、一緒に想像力を高めていきましょう。
檜垣 良成 檜垣 良成Yoshishige Higaki 教授 身の回りを見ても世界を見ても、真理の探求としての哲学の重要性は増すばかりです。ともに探求しましょう。
津崎 良典 津崎 良典Yoshinori Tsuzaki 教授 フランス哲学の学びを通じて人間と人間を超えるものへの感嘆(タウマゼイン)を新たにしてほしい。
千葉 建 千葉 建Ken Chiba 講師 倫理学を通じて、「善い人間とは何かを知る」だけではなく、「善い人間になる」手助けができれば嬉しいです。
西村 雄太 西村 雄太Yuta Nishimura 助教 中世の哲学者の考えを真摯に学ぶなら、私たちが自明のものとして忘却の彼方へと追いやった事柄の真の重要性に気付くことができるかもしれません。

卒業生 金尾 ひより



About the Philosophy & Ethics Course

To Live Is To Know

For human beings, “to live is to know”, and we are creatures who choose a specific “way to live” based on a certain “way of seeing (knowing)” the world. The true value of philosophy and ethics lies in reflecting on our views of world and life and making them our own.
The true joy of philosophizing lies not merely in increasing knowledge, but in reflecting on principles (common practices) for living and reconstructing them at your own responsibility. I believe the key to understanding the chaos of the modern world in this sense stems from the absence of philosophy and neglect toward the humanities. There is no future for us without the intelligence to determine the direction we should be heading toward.However, this is not something that a person can do alone, but is only possible through proper dialogue with others and with the philosophers of the past. In the Philosophy & Ethics course, faculty and course members help each other to learn how to go about philosophy and ethics.

Professor of Early Modern Western Philosophy and Dialogue Yoshishige Higaki

Example of Subjects
  • Special Lecture on Philosophy
  • History of Philosophy
  • Philosophical Seminar
  • Special Lecture on Ethics
  • History of Ethical Thought
  • Ethics Seminar
Course Introduction
What Kind of Classes are in Philosophy and Ethics?
Under Philosophy, we offer classes that focus on early modern philosophy, with an emphasis on French and German philosophers such as Montaigne, Descartes, Malebranche, Leibniz, Diderot, and Kant. We will also touch on Bergson and other modern philosophers.
In Ethics, we will consider ideas on morality held by various philosophers from ancient to modern times. We will also critically examine modern social and technological issues with reference to ethical thinking.

Senior Graduation Thesis

  • Justice and Happiness in Plato
  • Traditional Skepticism and the Methodical Skepticism of Descartes
  • The Place of the Interdict Against Lies in Kant’s Ethics
  • The Problem of Objectivity in Bergson
  • The Critical Point in the Realm of the “Self” in Bioethics
  • Shared Suffering: Shinran and Altruism
  • Existence Amid Anxiety – A Study of Kierkegaard’s “The Concept of Anxiety”
  • "Limit Situations" and "Intuition" in Jaspers

Faculty Members

教員名 職階 メッセージ
常 瀟琳 常 瀟琳Xiaolin Chang 助教 異国のような他者性と、現在との連続性を併せ持つ日本思想史との真剣な〈対話〉を通じて、一緒に想像力を高めていきましょう。
檜垣 良成 檜垣 良成Yoshishige Higaki 教授 身の回りを見ても世界を見ても、真理の探求としての哲学の重要性は増すばかりです。ともに探求しましょう。
津崎 良典 津崎 良典Yoshinori Tsuzaki 教授 フランス哲学の学びを通じて人間と人間を超えるものへの感嘆(タウマゼイン)を新たにしてほしい。
千葉 建 千葉 建Ken Chiba 講師 倫理学を通じて、「善い人間とは何かを知る」だけではなく、「善い人間になる」手助けができれば嬉しいです。
西村 雄太 西村 雄太Yuta Nishimura 助教 中世の哲学者の考えを真摯に学ぶなら、私たちが自明のものとして忘却の彼方へと追いやった事柄の真の重要性に気付くことができるかもしれません。

Graduate Koju Arai

The transition from studying philosophy to philosophizing on my own was a difficult one. Absorbing knowledge learned, mastering the solution methods presented, and giving the model answer expected of you--this is the method learned over 12 years of schooling. While trapped in this framework, I was unable to understand even a fragment of what the philosophers truly wanted to say, despite having knowledge on philosophy.
Fichte says, "Look to yourself--this is the first requirement of philosophy". Philosophy brings to the light thoughts and behaviors that have become so familiar that we are no longer aware of them, then examines those thoughts and behaviors that, without them, nothing would be possible. It took me a long time to realize that these were the things needed for philosophy, and my studies of philosophy until that point had been frivolous.
If you examine yourself closely and understand the core of who you are, you will see that the philosophic worldview is not far-fetched from the point of view of modern scientific knowledge, but is in fact more relevant than such knowledge. Although there are differences in the way core parts are systematically organized or in the logical pursuit of rationale—in other words, the difference in content—each of these philosophers faced the core and turned it into a question.
Some people who wish to study philosophy have yet to find what they want to do in life or are looking for guidance because they are unsure who they are. Philosophy at university is a let-down if this is what you seek. However, it will exceed your expectations in the sense that you will not be guided by fancy quotes from philosophy books (aimed at the mass public), but in that you can discover your own guidelines to live within.

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