Prehistory and Archaeology 先史学・考古学コース




  • 先史学概説
  • 考古学概説
  • 考古学方法論
  • 物質資料研究法
  • 先史学特講
  • 考古学特講
  • 先史学・考古学外書講読
  • 先史学・考古学演習
  • 先史学実習
  • 考古学実習
  • 千葉県域における縄文時代後期の人骨集積の研究
  • 紀元前4千年紀前後の西アジア地域における紡錘車利用から見た紡績の展開
  • 唐代墳墓壁画における男装侍女図の系譜
  • 中央アジアにおける「飾られた仏陀」の歴史的展開
  • 中世武家庭園から見た後北条氏の権力構造
  • 琉球王国時代を中心とした首里近郊墓群の形成過程


教員名 職階 メッセージ
三宅 裕 三宅 裕Yutaka Miyake 教授 知識が増えていくと、まだわかっていないことが見えてくるようになります。その過程こそが大学での学びです。
滝沢 誠 滝沢 誠Makoto Takizawa 教授 考古学は自らの手で歴史を解き明かす点に大きな魅力があります。皆さんも一緒に発掘に行きませんか?
谷口 陽子 谷口 陽子Yoko Taniguchi 准教授 ここには誠実にモノに対峙する時間と場があり、そしてそれを咀嚼し栄養にすることができます。広く深く思索しつつも楽しくかけがえのない時間を過ごしてください。
前田 修 前田 修Osamu Maeda 准教授 モノには人間の思考や行動を形作る力が秘められています。遺跡や遺物として残されたモノを研究することで、過去の人々や社会がどのように作られたのかを覗いて見ませんか?
板橋 悠 板橋 悠Yu Itahashi 准教授 考古学が対象とするモノの向こうには、作った人・使った人・贈られた人・本人など様々な人々の活動と思考があります。過去の人々を想像し、その姿を自分の手で実証していく楽しさを共有できればと思います。

卒業生川田 祐暉



About Prehistory and Archaeology

About Prehistory and Archaeology

Archaeology is a discipline that seeks to understand the history of human societies based on material evidence obtained through excavation. In addition, Prehistory tends to use biological and environmental sciences to focus more on the relationship between human and the natural environment.While both Archaeology and Prehistory approach human society through research on archaeological sites and artifacts, the current mainstream thinking is that archaeology focuses on civilized societies, whereas prehistory focuses on pre-civilized societies.
In both archaeology and prehistory, surveys and excavations of archaeological sites are the most important methods of obtaining research resources. However, we must know that the nature of archaeological sites is that a site can only be excavated once. In this course, we would like to cultivate students who are able to conduct research that uses such one-time excavation opportunities to reconstruct the history of human societies, based on rigorous work and innovative thinking.

Example of Subjects
  • Basic Prehistory
  • Basic Archaeology
  • Methodologies in Archaeology
  • Survey methodologies in Archaeology
  • Prehistory
  • Archaeology
  • Seminar in Prehistory and Archaeology
  • Field study in Prehistory
  • Field study in Archaeology
Course Introduction
Fieldwork by students
What do you learn in the Basic Archaeology class?
Students will gain a deeper understanding that archaeology is an appealing, important and essencial, but sometimes powerless, discipline for our lives in the present and future.
1. What is Archaeology?
2. The Archaeology of Garbage
3. Typology
4. Archaeology and Ecology
5. Archaeology and Ethnography
Senior Graduation Thesis
  • A Reconsideration of the Distribution of Obsidian from Central Anatolia: From the Pre-Pottery to the Pottery Neolithic Periods
  • Chambered Burials and Burial Practices: A Case Study from Eastern Japan
  • The Background behind the Construction of the Stone Wall at Sumpu Castle
  • Characterization of Jomon Pottery and the Analysis of Its Distribution: Based on the Analysis of the Pottery from Nishida Site
  • The Life History of Huge Stone Rods from the Middle Jomon Period
  • A Reconsideration of Emuta Site in Dazaifu, Fukuoka: Based on the Records from the Investigations by the Tokyo University of Education
  • A Reconsideration of Salt-Making Using Jomon Pottery in the Kanto Region
  • Artifacts With Animal Designs Known from the Okhotsk Culture
  • The Relationship between Humans and Boars during the Jomon Period
  • Temple Renewal during the Formative Period of Northern Peru and Its Implications for Social Change
  • Social Functions of the Amphitheater in Ancient Rome
  • A Study of Cairn Burials from the Kofun Period in the Foothills of Mount Haruna
Message From Course Faculty
教員名 職階 メッセージ
三宅 裕 三宅 裕Yutaka Miyake 教授 知識が増えていくと、まだわかっていないことが見えてくるようになります。その過程こそが大学での学びです。
滝沢 誠 滝沢 誠Makoto Takizawa 教授 考古学は自らの手で歴史を解き明かす点に大きな魅力があります。皆さんも一緒に発掘に行きませんか?
谷口 陽子 谷口 陽子Yoko Taniguchi 准教授 ここには誠実にモノに対峙する時間と場があり、そしてそれを咀嚼し栄養にすることができます。広く深く思索しつつも楽しくかけがえのない時間を過ごしてください。
前田 修 前田 修Osamu Maeda 准教授 モノには人間の思考や行動を形作る力が秘められています。遺跡や遺物として残されたモノを研究することで、過去の人々や社会がどのように作られたのかを覗いて見ませんか?
板橋 悠 板橋 悠Yu Itahashi 准教授 考古学が対象とするモノの向こうには、作った人・使った人・贈られた人・本人など様々な人々の活動と思考があります。過去の人々を想像し、その姿を自分の手で実証していく楽しさを共有できればと思います。
Student Voices

GraduateKeita Arai

"Archaeology is when you excavate things, right?" I'm often asked that question, and rightfully so. However, what we unearth is not dinosaur fossils or trilobites, but the traces of human life, such as pottery and stone tools.
Unlike history, which deals with written documents, archaeology’s best sources are found buried under the ground. This is why archaeologists go on excavations. Like forensics, they use material evidence left at a scene to deduce how people behaved in the past…a simple yet exciting discipline. For example, we can study the way a hole was dug or stone tools were made to tell whether the maker was left-handed or right-handed.
University of Tsukuba has faculty who specialize in West Asia, the Kofun Period, and heritage conservation, which you can study in detail, but you can also conduct research in a broad range of other fields. Any studies of material records that past people have left behind since the birth of humankind until the present can be considered archaeology. Those who are interested in excavations, ancient mysteries, pyramids, Machu Picchu, and the like should join a prehistory and archaeology class and chat with the senior students.
I recommend that those who are interested in the Prehistory and Archaeology Course visit an archaeological sites or museums on their day off. There, you can experience the objects people of the past have made and the landscapes they would have seen. Have fun as you explore ancient mysteries.

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