English Linguistics Course 英語学コース




教授[理論言語学]島田 雅晴

  • 英語学概論
  • 英語文法論・統語論
  • 英語意味論・語用論
  • 英語音韻論・形態論
  • 英語論文講読
  • 英語学演習
  • 英語学論文演習
  • A Pragmatic Study of English Inversion
  • A Cognitive Linguistic Study of Idioms in English
  • A Study of the Prefix over- in English
  • A Semantic Study of the Preposition over
  • A Syntactic Approach to Psychological Predicates in English
  • A Lexical Network Approach to the Verb Take in English
  • A Semantic Study of Presupposition of the I don’t know that X Construction
  • A Syntactic Study of Residual Verb + Not Construction in Late Modern English
  • A Study of Preposition Stranding in English
  • An Antilocality Approach to Freezing Effects in English


教員名 職階 メッセージ
加賀 信広 加賀 信広Nobuhiro Kaga 教授 じっと見ているときれいな規則性が透けてくる。そんな言語研究の醍醐味を一緒に味わってみましょう。
島田 雅晴 島田 雅晴Masaharu Shimada 教授 日常意識することがない、自然に身近に存在する物事に何か一つこだわってください。それが研究です。
和田 尚明 和田 尚明Naoaki Wada 教授 英語という言語の本質を知りたい人にはぜひ学んでほしいと思います。
宮腰 幸一 宮腰 幸一Koichi Miyakoshi 准教授 表面的な言語現象の背後にある法則を科学的に解明する楽しさを学んでほしいと思います。
金谷 優 金谷 優Masaru Kanetani 准教授 ことばは「人の心をのぞく窓」とよく言われます。人間の認知の仕組みとことばの関係を考えていきましょう。
山村 崇斗 山村 崇斗Shuto Yamamura 助教 今の英語を他言語や昔の英語と比較すると見えてくる類似点や相違点を、生成統語論の枠組みで分析します。
矢澤 翔 矢澤 翔Kakeru Yazawa 助教 普通教育ではあまり学ぶ機会のない英語の音のしくみについて、ぜひ学んでみませんか。

4年生高橋 舞



About the English Linguistics Course

Understanding the mechanisms of English and considering human language

Linguistics is a discipline that approaches the human mind through the lens of language. In the English Linguistics Course, students learn the various mechanisms behind English from the linguistics perspective. This covers a wide range of topics, including sounds, the form and meaning of words and sentences, discourse as a sequence of sentences, interactions with situations, the history of English, comparisons with Japanese and other languages, and so on. Considering these aspects linguistically is what matters, which means that English as a particular language is studied in connection with human language in general.
For this purpose, students take classes in which they learn the basic knowledge and methods of English linguistics while aiming to cultivate their English ability. The culmination of all this is the graduation thesis, where students choose a topic, uncover some issues, consider them in their own way, and then write about them clearly and logically in English. This provides students with a very creative experience. Through all these learning processes, students will foster fundamental abilities useful in any field of society, such as the ability to generalize from particulars, to uncover issues, to think autonomously, to communicate in English, to express themselves clearly, and to be creative.

Professor [Contrastive Studies of Japanese and English from the Perspective of Cognitive Semantics]Yukio Hirose,

Example of Subjects
  • Introduction to English Linguistics
  • English Grammar and Syntax
  • English Semantics and Pragmatics
  • English Phonology and Morphology
  • Readings in English Linguistics
  • Seminar in English Linguistics
  • Thesis-Writing in English Linguistics (Seminar)
Course Introduction
Introduction to English Linguistics
English Linguistics investigates English from the perspective of linguistics. Languages have sounds which convey meanings. It is grammar that associates sounds with meanings. There are certain rules in sounds, meanings, and grammar. These rules are precisely what allows us to communicate in language. In this class, we will consider the regularity of language on the basis of English, while deepening our understanding of English itself.
Past Thesis Titles
  • A Study of Grammaticalization of NP of NP in English
  • A Study of Causative Alternations in English
  • A Diachronic Study of Reflexive Constructions in English
  • A Lexical Network Approach to the Verb Take in English
  • A Semantic Study of Degree Achievement Verbs with the Derivational Suffix -en in English
  • A Study of Middle Constructions in English
  • A Semantic Study of Content Clauses in English

Faculty Members

教員名 職階 メッセージ
加賀 信広 加賀 信広Nobuhiro Kaga 教授 じっと見ているときれいな規則性が透けてくる。そんな言語研究の醍醐味を一緒に味わってみましょう。
島田 雅晴 島田 雅晴Masaharu Shimada 教授 日常意識することがない、自然に身近に存在する物事に何か一つこだわってください。それが研究です。
和田 尚明 和田 尚明Naoaki Wada 教授 英語という言語の本質を知りたい人にはぜひ学んでほしいと思います。
宮腰 幸一 宮腰 幸一Koichi Miyakoshi 准教授 表面的な言語現象の背後にある法則を科学的に解明する楽しさを学んでほしいと思います。
金谷 優 金谷 優Masaru Kanetani 准教授 ことばは「人の心をのぞく窓」とよく言われます。人間の認知の仕組みとことばの関係を考えていきましょう。
山村 崇斗 山村 崇斗Shuto Yamamura 助教 今の英語を他言語や昔の英語と比較すると見えてくる類似点や相違点を、生成統語論の枠組みで分析します。
矢澤 翔 矢澤 翔Kakeru Yazawa 助教 普通教育ではあまり学ぶ機会のない英語の音のしくみについて、ぜひ学んでみませんか。
Student's Voice

former studentYuki Okada

In the College of Humanities, students split into different majors when they become third year students. When I was a first year student, I was torn between German Linguistics (currently General Linguistics) and English Linguistics courses. For this reason, I took classes that could be applied to either course, one of which offered by the English Linguistics course dealt with Old English. Studying Old English, I found it fascinating how similar the language is to modern German. I found that some phenomena occur in both languages while others occur in either one, which stirred my interest in language itself.
Though I’d just studied English for the entrance exam, this class made me interested in revealing the essence of the English language and learning more about how the language itself works, and so I chose the English Linguistics course. Linguistics, unlike language studies, is a discipline that studies how people think about and perceive things by observing language.
In the English Linguistics course, students explore the mind of native speakers of English through the English language. Thus, just because you have studied English linguistics doesn’t mean you become a fluent speaker of English. However, you will achieve something more significant than just being able to speak English; you will approach the spirit of a native speaker. Also, reviewing and reporting on the research literature will help you to acquire not only logical thinking skills but also the ability to explain in a way that others understand readily. This is a skill that I believe is absolutely necessary in the society.
In the English Linguistics course, you can research linguistic phenomena that interest you from various perspectives such as semantics, sentence structures, and history of English. Enthusiastic support of the kind faculty, who are active in the front lines, allows you to pursue what interests you.

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