教授平井 明代
- 応用言語学講義IVはどんな授業?
- 現代日本語を対象にした文章研究について、どのような手法やテーマ、課題があるのかを学びます。文字言語にはどのような特徴があるのでしょうか。新聞、小説、雑誌、ブログ、といった媒体による違いや共通点にはどのようなものがあるのでしょうか。TwitterやLINEに書かれることばは「書きことば」と言えるのでしょうか。実際の文章の観察を通して言語学的に考える方法と基本的な知識を身に付けます。
- 応用言語学概論
- 応用言語学講義I~IV(応用言語学、教育言語学、社会言語学、文章論)
- 応用言語学演習I~IV(教育言語学、社会言語学、文章論)
- 応用言語学特講I~II(教育言語学、社会言語学)
- 外書講読
- Effects of Congruency on Japanese EFL Learners' L2 Collocational Learning
- Oral Reading by EFL Learners: Effects of Silent Reading, Reading While Listening, and Slash Reading
- Effects of text cohesion on Japanese EFL reading process and comprehension
- 認知症の人の不満や怒りの表明とケアワーカーの対処場面の相互行為分析
- 振り込め詐欺における説得の技法の会話分析
- 聴覚障害学生と健聴学生との相互行為における修復の組織
教員名 | 職階 | メッセージ | |
卯城 祐司Yuji Ushiro | 教授 | ||
平井 明代Akiyo Hirai | 教授 | ||
小野 雄一Yuichi Ono | 教授 | ||
高木 智世Tomoyo Takagi | 教授 | ||
小泉 利恵Rie Koizumi | 教授 | ||
土方 裕子Yuko Hijikata | 准教授 | ||
田川 拓海Takumi Tagawa | 准教授 | ||
柳沢 明文Akifumi Yanagisawa | 助教 |
Applied Linguistics Course
Interdisciplinary linguistic research that transcends the barriers of conventional disciplines
Applied Linguistics aims to analyze linguistic phenomena in multifaceted, practical ways and provide solutions to issues at the individual and social levels. This course covers such areas as (a) English language education, which deals with a variety of phenomena involved in English language learning and teaching; (b) sociolinguistics, which studies the relationship between society and language; and (c) writing and stylistics, which studies sentence construction and conversational mechanisms. In this course, you carry out various experiments on English learning, analyze actual discourse, and compare various styles from literature, all of which are carried out in various methods. We encourage you to come and taste the glamour of applied linguistics with us.
ProfessorHirosada Iwasaki
Course Introduction
- What can you learn in Lecture on Applied Linguistics?
- This course analyzes issues related to English vocabulary from the perspective of English language pedagogy, corpus linguistics, and lexicology. For example, what specifically does it mean to have “a large vocabulary"? Why do many Japanese fail to translate “jisho wo hiku” into English although they know the word “dictionary”? How can we tell “difficult” text from “easy” text objectively? This is a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) class and you will analyze these issues using English as a classroom language in this class.
Example of Subjects
- Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- Lecture on Applied Linguistics Lecture I - IV
- Applied Linguistics Seminar I - IV
- Applied Linguistics Special Lecture I - II
- Reading Foreign Literature
Senior Graduation Thesis
- The Effects of L1 Use on Speaking Performance by EFL Learners at Different Proficiency Levels
- Oral Reading by EFL Learners: Effects of Silent Reading, Reading While Listening, and Slash Reading
- Effects of text cohesion on Japanese EFL reading process and comprehension
- Media Discourse Analysis of Copies in Men’s Fashion Magazines
- Conversational Analysis of Persuasion Techniques Used in Bank Transfer Fraud
- Repair in Interactions Between Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Students
Message From Course Faculty
教員名 | 職階 | メッセージ | |
卯城 祐司Yuji Ushiro | 教授 | ||
平井 明代Akiyo Hirai | 教授 | ||
小野 雄一Yuichi Ono | 教授 | ||
高木 智世Tomoyo Takagi | 教授 | ||
小泉 利恵Rie Koizumi | 教授 | ||
土方 裕子Yuko Hijikata | 准教授 | ||
田川 拓海Takumi Tagawa | 准教授 | ||
柳沢 明文Akifumi Yanagisawa | 助教 |
Student Voices
I vaguely wanted to study languages when I entered this university; however, when I actually began studying, I became interested in the field of educational linguistics, such as how Japanese people learn English and how to teach English effectively.
Since I wanted to be a teacher, this field was particularly appealing to me. My graduation thesis dealt with how to set grading criteria for speaking activities done by junior high school students. It was very demanding to record their speeches and assess them over and over. However, I was very glad that I learned to accumulate data and was able to bring them into a final form.
Finishing my thesis brought me a great sense of accomplishment, which was something I had never experienced before. This taught me the importance of persistence in each research process. Currently I work as a teacher, so I will be using my research experience at Tsukuba University, for which I am very thankful.