Higher Education and Employment 進学と就職





教員 公立小学校(群馬)、公立高等学校(青森、秋田、茨城、群馬、高知、栃木、長野)、つくば秀英高等学校、常磐大学高等学校
公務員等 医薬品医療機器総合機構、厚生労働省、国土交通省、国土地理院、国立印刷局、市役所(牛久、宇都宮、柏、川崎、越谷、坂井、札幌、草加、流山、名古屋、横浜)、森林総合研究所、鉄道建設・運輸施設整備支援機構、東京国税局、東京都江戸川区役所、都道府県庁(愛知、茨城、大阪、埼玉、千葉、東京、長野、福島、山形)、農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構、農林水産省、物質・材料研究機構、門司税関、文部科学省、陸上自衛隊
進学 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科、岡山大学教育学研究科教職実践専攻、京都大学アジア・アフリカ地域研究科、筑波大学人間総合科学学術院、筑波大学人文社会ビジネス科学学術院、筑波大学理工情報生命学術院、東京大学大学院教育学研究科、東京大学大学院情報学環、東北大学公共政策大学院、北海道大学文学院人文学専攻

Higher Education and Employment

The main paths for students graduating from the College of Humanities are graduate school and employment, and traditionally the percentage of students who go on to graduate school is relatively high.

Careers Support at the College of Humanities
General Career Support
First year students must take the Freshman Seminar in spring semester, where each class has a homeroom teacher who helps introduce them to life at the university. Here, there is a focus on providing career guidance, and there are roughly four joint Freshman Seminars in which lecturers from outside the university are invited to help raise awareness on career development early on in the student’s time at the university.
The University of Tsukuba also uses a tool calledthe Tsukuba Career Portfolio (nicknamed CARIO), which serves as the core of our career development support. This systems records life at the university using 50 different kinds of sheets, helping students smoothly transition to higher education and employment.
Support for Employment at Companies
The College of Humanities has its own job placement support program for students. We host multiple employment seminars held by lecturers from outside the university as well as a “Latest Job Hunt Information Session for Humanities Students” hosted by fourth year students who have received job offers. In addition to information sessions at each college, company information sessions joined by hundreds of companies are held on campus throughout the university, letting students ask questions directly to alumni who have found work at famous companies and giving them an advantage over students at other universities in their job hunt.
Test Support for Civil Servant & Staff at Independent Administrative Agencies
Seminars by alumni and information sessions by fourth year students who have received job offers are hosted as part of the College of Humanities job placement support program. The entire university also hosts seminars and examination prep courses that can be taken at a low cost. Also, students can get advice and listen to a variety of talks in the on-campus information sessions mentioned earlier, which are joined not only by companies but government agencies and independent administrative agencies.
Support for Junior/Senior High School Teacher Examinations
This career path has traditionally been a forte at our university and the College of Humanities. We not only host seminars by alumni at the college, but also have information sessions joined by people affiliated with the university working in the world of educaation.
Career Path Facts

Career Paths for Students Graduating March 2018

Major Career Paths (corporate statuses omitted, 2014-2018)
Asahi Kasei, Kao, Showa Shell Sekiyu, Sumitomo Forestry, Daio Paper, Daikin, Nippon Paper, Haseko, Hitachi, Fast Retailing, Bridgestone, Mitsui E&S, Yamaha Motor
Retail & Food
Aeon Mall, Kasumi, Sapporo Beer, Nojima, Lawson
Trade & Logistics
Kintetsu Express, ENEOS, ANA Trading, Mitsukoshi-Isetan, Mitsubishi
Finance & Insurance
Aeon Bank, Joyo Bank, Tsukuba Bank, Japan Finance, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, MUFG Bank, Sumitomo Life Insurance, Sompo Japan, Dai-ichi Life Insurance, Nippon Life Insurance, Mizuho Financial Group
Telecommunications and Publishing
Kyodo News, Jomo Shimbun, TV Asahi, Asahi Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, NHK, NTT Docomo
All Nippon Airways, JR Hokkaido, JR East, Japan Freight Railway, Nippon Express
Oriental Land, Kadokawa, Panasonic Systems, Hamagin Research Institute, MyNavi, Mitsui Real Estate Residential, Yoshimoto, Recruit Management Solutions
Japanese Consumers' Co‑operative Union (Co-op), Japan Post/dd>
Teaching Faculty Ibaraki Prefectural High School, Saitama Prefectural High School, Shiga Prefectural High School, Shizuoka Prefectural High School, Nagano Prefectural High School, Mie Prefectural High School, Ibaraki Prefectural Junior High School, Gifu Prefectural Junior High School, Nagano Prefectural Junior High School, Tsuchiura Nihon University Secondary School
Civil Servant Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Aichi Prefectural Government; Ibaraki Prefectural Government; Okinawa Prefectural Government; Saitama Prefectural Government; Chiba Prefectural Government; Tokyo Metropolitan Government; Hokkaido Prefectural Government; Yamanashi Prefectural Government; Itabashi Ward Office, Tokyo; Koto Ward Office, Tokyo; Shibuya Ward Office, Tokyo; Taito Ward Office, Tokyo; Tsukuba City Hall; Mito City Hall; University of Tsukuba (staff); University of Tokyo (staff)
Higher Education Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University; Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities, and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba; Master’s Program in Education, University of Tsukuba; Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba; The Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, University of Tsukuba; Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo; Graduate School for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo; Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University; Graduate School of the University of London (Development Studies)